S2C8: story 2 done

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Gekko and Orticia were still going at each other. Both at the moment were unaware of what happened with Catboy and Owlette.

Gekko: you have enough yet. he asked somewhat getting tired

Orticia: no lizard boy. she said about to hit him

Catboy: hold it. he said as he ran around Orticia making her fall on to the floor

Orticia looked up and saw Catboy with a smile, she was about to say something when Owlette landed next to him leaving Orticia surprised

Orticia: what did you do to my planty: she asked

Owlette: thanks to Catboy, your planty and I got seperated, and I got my body back

Orticia: no problem I can just make more of that kind of planty. she said taking the seed bag out

Suddenly the seed bag got out of Orticia's hand and floated over and stopped next to Owlette and Catboy leaving Orticia confused.

Orticia: what the heck

Then Gekko revealed himself holding the bag of seeds.

Gekko: sorry Orticia but you aren't making anymore of those planty's

Catboy: we are putting your bag of seeds in HQ to keep it safe

Orticia: fine, I am better working alone anyway. she said running away

Gekko: it's good to have you back Owlette. he said hugging her while she returned

 Owlette: yeah, and thanks Catboy. she said then gave him a kiss on the cheek leaving him blusing

Catboy: no problem........PJ MASKS ALL SHOUT HOORAY


in the daytime, the class just finished planting plants in the park

teacher: good job kids, lets get packed up and head back to school

Connor: I am glad we got to plant

Greg: me too

Amaya: same, but if I ever see another vine or crazy plant again, it will be too soon

Connor and Greg: same. as all three share a laugh

That's it for this chapter. Now story two is finished. The love birds survived another challenged and remained together. Next update will be the start of the third and final story in this. The them for the final story from the background information is an argument. Comment down below who you think will argue and what will happen because of it. The third story is probably the most crazy story of the three to me. Also in the third story someone special makes an appearance for two or three chapters, comment who you think it is. See you next time.

(in case if you want to know the special person is, here is a clue: the special person is a boy (possibly more clues will happen))

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