S2C6: cool cat

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Picking up where we left off Catboy was wanting to attack Orticia but Gekko prevented him to do it. Now Catboy is looking at him with a really angry face.

Catboy: what did you do that for. he asked angry

Gekko: you were going to attack Orticia, and out of anger no less

Catboy: I wanted to get her what she deserved. he said as his suit lit up again

Gekko: I want to stop her as well, but I think you should calm down first. he suggested

Catboy after hearing that grabbed Gekko's suit by his neck, brought him closer, and stared right into his eyes with a look of pure anger

Catboy: I will come down when Orticia gets what she deserves and I get my girlfriend back. he said without opening his mouth (he said it through his teeth)

Gekko: but your not going to do anything good of it out of anger. he said even though he was scared too

Catboy: I am going to do what it takes to save Owlette and stop Orticia, you would do it to if it happened to Luna. he said with a  mix of shouting

Gekko: yeah, but I would not be this mad as you are are and that is currently growing.

Catboy had enough of talking with Gekko so he pushed him to the floor and started to walk away. As he walked away his suit along with his eyes started to glow more. Also his suit started to let out little sparks around his body. Gekko saw his friends will soon be full of nothing but anger, so he quickly came up with a plan.

Gekko: you know Catboy........you are right........you should give her what you got......but I can't help but wonder of what Owlette would think. he said/asked making Catboy stop and look at him

Catboy: what is to wonder, Owlette is in their waiting for us to free her. he with with the anger currently in him

Gekko: I am wondering if she would like to be saved out of anger. he said leaving Catboy confused

Gekko: I know Owlette is waiting to be saved, but I don't think that she would like it if anyone, especially her boyfriend, to save her out of complete anger. he said slowly walking to him

Catboy heard what Gekko was saying and it did affect him. He started to think about Owlette and his anger problem. His suit and eyes lost some of the glow it was giving and it stopped giving sparks as Gekko was right in front of him.

Gekko: I know you are worried about her, I am too. But you remember when Night Ninja stole Master Fang's sword, you being angry didn't help, but when you calmed down we got it back. So please calm down Catboy, and if you won't do it for me, do it for Owlette. he said holding his hands

Catboy remembered that time and how staying clam helped. So he did clam down, all of his glow stopped shining. But Catboy started to faint, but Gekko got him and put him down before he fainted.

Catboy: Gekko.......thanks for making me realize. he said with a tired voice

Gekko: your welcome, but what is up with you. he asked

Catboy: I think the anger drained some of my energy, I feel a little weak at the moment

Gekko: I will put you in my seat and take the controls of the cat car so you can relax

Catboy: ok

So Gekko carried Catboy to the cat car and put him in his seat, then took the drivers seat to look for Orticia and their friend.

So that's it for this chapter. With a little help from Gekko, Catboy managed to control his anger and calm down. Now the two have to find a way to separate Owlette from the plant. Please leave a comment telling me who you think will save Owlette and how. Only one or two parts left in this story. See you later.

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