S2C3: Orticia's new partner

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Picking up where we left off, the PJ masks split up to find her, unaware that one of them was walking right into a trap.

Owlette (while walking) was looking for Orticia, then she appeared in from of her

Orticia: hello bird girl

Owlette: I was hopping to find you, why did you take the gardening equipment, she asked a little mad

Orticia: you want to know then come and get me. as she ran away

Owlette then followed her (running instead of flying), after a while Owlette stepped on something and saw it was one of Orticia's plant and she saw her step on it

Orticia: you stepped on my planty

Owlette: so what you gonna get mad and do mean stuff to me because I did it. she said knowing that she is going to do it

Orticia: normally I would but not today. she said leaving Owlette shocked

Owlette: why. she said confused and wondering

Orticia: because I was wanting you to step on it. she said with an evil smile

Owlette then looked down and saw the plant she stepped on was now sprouting vines that were climbing up her legs (the plant went to the other foot first), she tried to fly away but the vines had a strong grip holding her, they stopped at her waist.

Owlette: what are you doing. she said in a voice wanting to know

Orticia: I am trying out my new planty, that I found last night

Owlette: then why do you need the gardening equipment and me

Orticia: I took the equipment to lure you three out, I put them back where I found them when the sun started to set, and to make the planty work I had to have someone step on it and I chose you to do it.

The vines the continued to climb her body, now they are on her belly, chest, arms, hands, and head (the vines didn't cover her completely, you can still he big pieces of her). then the plant under her foot sprouted a bush them plant that was covering her (there is a little space from Owlette and the plant)

Orticia then started to sing her song (I am not putting the song for 2 reasons, 1 I don't remember most of the words and 2 I am lazy) while she is singing we see this weird green glowing light coming from the bush holding Owlette. When she finished singing the plant let out a big green flash and the plant under Owlette's foot made the bush cage thing retract leaving Owlette standing there with the vines still on her, with her eyes closed and head down. Then she lifted her head, opened her eyes and her red eyes turned green.

Owlette: what happened. she asked but her voice sounded a little higher

Orticia: to put it clearly planty, I used my newest plant to put you in the birds body. she explained

OP: so I have her body. she asked (PO is for Owlette plant)

Orticia: yep and I have the ability to have you or the bird girl in control of the body. (Owlette is till in her body, she is just not in control right now)

OP: so what are we going to do know. she wondered

Orticia: we are going to have some fun but first I want a few people to meet you

So that is it for this chapter. Now one of Orticia's planty's has control of Owlette's body. What do you think Catboy and Gekko will say/do when they see what happened to their friend, leave a comment telling me. See you next time.

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