S2C5: growing anger

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Catboy and Gekko got back in the cat car looking for Orticia and their possessed friend. But as they were looking Gekko can't help but look at Catboy who has an angry look on his face.

Gekko: Catboy are you ok. he said kind a scared to ask it

Catboy: yeah I'm fine. he said mad

Gekko: you don't sound that way

Catboy: I AM FINE. he said not in the mood and without opening his mouth

Gekko decided to just sit back and keep quiet. After a while they found the two at the sports field, they showed up before they could do anything and got out of the cat car.

Orticia: I had a feeling you would break free and follow us

OP: I was also not surprised you showed up

Catboy: save the small talk. he said mad and wanting to do some punching

Catboy then ran and gave a punch right into Orticia's stomach sending her flying backwards a few feet. OP and Gekko were shocked about what just happened. Gekko went to Catboy and pulled him back a little bit.

Gekko: what in the world was that. he said still in shock of what happened and wanting to know

Catboy: what she deserves. he said in anger and after he said that his suit lit up like normal

Catboy then went to OP and ran around her and got her dizzy. She fell to the floor and Catboy had his hands around her voice.

OP: what are you doing. she said a little scared

Catboy: I am going to kill you to get my girl back. he said outrageous anger about to squeeze her throat

OP: I wouldn't think about doing that

Catboy: why not

OP: because your friend and I right now are connected if you something to me, your friend gets it too, so killing me will kill you friends. she said following with an evil smile

Catboy was a little scared at the moment, he wasn't sure if she was telling the truth. But he didn't want to risk it being true and killing his girlfriend.

So Catboy just picked her up and push her a side. After he did that he looked at Orticia who just got up and walked over to her with a very angry look on his face. Gekko noticed it and went to Catboy and grabbed him. Catboy tried to break free but Gekko wouldn't let him.

Orticia: quick OP lets get out of here. she said scared as she and OP made a quick get away

After they left Gekko let Catboy go, and he looked at him with a really angry face.

That's it for this chapter. It seems the longer that the planty is in Owlette's body, the more angry Catboy will get. Lucky Gekko stopped Catboy from hurting Orticia for now. Let me know in the comments what you think of this story and of this whole thing so far. there are three or two more chapters left in this story. See you then.

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