S3C2: the plan has started

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The next day our hero's have just finished school and are now have just reached home. The three decided to not play together today (for some reason) then at night meet up at HQ to patrol the city

Greg: bye guys. he said

Connor and Amaya: bye

Amaya: see you later Conner

Conner: you to Amaya. he said as the two gave a quick kiss on the lips before going to their homes

Connor was about to go in his room, when he saw a note taped to his door

Connor: what's this. he says as he takes the note and read it

the note says (Dear Connor, for being a great boyfriend to me I left a surprise in your room from Amaya)

Connor: ah that is sweet of her, but when did she do it. he wondered

Connor: well she did meet me and Greg at school today, so maybe after me and Greg went to school and before she got there

Connor then opened his bedroom door and right away he sees that his room is just one huge mess

Connor: what, he said shocked then noticed something on the back of the note

Back of note says (your surprise is that I made your room a huge mess)

Connor then left his house went to Amaya's house, knocked on the door, and got Amaya outside to talk after she answered it. 

Amaya: I didn't expect to see you so soon Connor. she said with a smile

Connor: you have some explaining to do. he said a little mad

Amaya: what. she said confused

Connor: their is a huge mess in my bedroom

Amaya: your bedroom is a mess. she said shocked

Connor: you know it is cause you did it. he said making Amaya confused

Amaya: I didn't do it Connor. she said confused

Connor: then explain this. he said giving her the note

Connor: that is your hand writing Amaya. he said as Amaya realized that it is her hand writing

Amaya: but Connor I didn't write this. she said getting a little upset getting blamed for something she didn't do

Connor: I know you did it Amaya just tell me the truth. he said wanting to hear it

Amaya: but I didn't do it

Connor: fine since you don't want to admit it, I am going to clean up the mess that you did. he said leaving

Amaya was a little sad and confused about what happened. She went back inside and went to her room to see a note on the door, she takes it and reads it

Amaya's note (Dear Amaya, I left a surprise in your bedroom for you. from Connor)

Amaya: well this surprise might make me feel better, I wonder what it is

Amaya then opened the door and was shocked to see her room is also a big mess. She then sees something on the other side of the note

other side (now you know, messy room surprise)

Amaya then went to Connor's home, went in and went to his room to see his room still a mess with him cleaning it up

Amaya: wow your room is a mess. she said surprised to see his room

Connor: of course it is, you came here and messed it up. he said still mad

Amaya: I didn't do it, but you apparently came to my room and messed it up. she said a little mad

Connor: what are you talking about. he said wanting to know

Amaya: this is. she said giving him the note

Amaya: it is your handwriting Connor

Connor: I didn't write it

Amaya: so I guess a ghost did, just admit it Connor. she said wanting to hear it

Connor: I didn't make your room a mess, but you did it to my room

Amaya: I didn't to it to your room, but since you refuse to admit it, I will just leave. she said leaving a little mad

Connor and Amaya then spent a majority of the day cleaning their room still a little mad at each other for doing it and not admitting it. Greg has no idea about it cause he was just in his room playing with Lionel.

That's it for this chapter. Romeo started his plan by messing their bedrooms and then blaming it on the two. Connor and Amaya are also believing the lying notes without really thinking about it. Comment if you think Connor and Amaya will realize the truth before their anger goes out of control. With this chapter done we are getting closer to the special person. Also comment if you think you know the identity of the special person. See you next time.

(if you are still stuck on the special person, here is another clue for you: the name of the special person is two words (an example of someone with a two word name would be like An Yu))

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