S3C6: return of an old foe

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Owlette and Gekko were still in HQ not knowing what happened to Catboy........yet. Owlette was still in her part of HQ, crouched into a ball, thinking of how her hatred prevented her to tell Catboy her feelings.

Owlette: Catboy how can I let my hatred keep me from telling you I still love you. she said quietly to herself

Owlette kept thinking of that for a while. Then suddenly she heard a scream in her head.


Owlette: Catboy.........Catboy are you ok. she said over her intercom but got nothing but static air

Owlette was confused of how she heard Catboy's scream without her intercom,  but at the same time she was worried for what happened to him. She quickly went down a level and went to Gekko and PJ robot.

Owlette: Gekko, PJ robot. she said a little scared

Gekko: what's up. he asked

Owlette: I think Catboy is in trouble

Gekko: what makes you say that

Owlette: I heard his scream in my head, but it wasn't through my intercom, it sounded a little more distance and it had a little echo.

Gekko: how could you have heard him scream without your intercom and how did you hear his scream and I didn't. he asked

Owlette: I don't know, but I believe he needs help

Gekko: ok I will look up where he is

So Gekko looked up where Catboy was, and saw his signal was coming from the flying factory.

Gekko: ok he may need some help

Owlette: so lets go, to the owl glider

So Gekko and Owlette went to the owl glider and went to the flying factory. a few seconds/minutes later they got their and went in. Then they went to the main inventing room (the room with the cell doors) and came face to face to Romeo (they are not that close to him).

Romeo: well hello PJ masks

Owlette: enough Romeo what did you do to our friend

Romeo: why not see for yourself. he said pointing to a dark corner

Owlette and Gekko looked at the dark corner a little scared. then they saw a pair of eyes looking at them. Then a body started to walk to them. The closer it got to them they saw it was a kid around their height or maybe a little taller, that had black eyes, and a black suit that had white stripes on it. A few seconds later they saw it has a tail and some cat ears. Then they saw the whole person and it was non other than NIGHT PANTHER (aka the special person).

Gekko: you again. he said surprised to see him

Owlette: Gekko you know him. she said surprised

Gekko: yeah, but you won't like the explanation of him. he said a not wanting to tell her

Gekko: but to put it simply when Romeo made the opposite ray, he shot you and Catboy with it and that was the result for him

Owlette: you mean that he is the evil version of Catboy. she said in a voice not wanting that to be true

Night Panther: that's right bird brain, and the name is Night Panther

Gekko: how did you do this Romeo

Romeo: well lizard boy after my opposite ray worked too well (he then pointing to him), I have been secretly working on another version of it, but I never could find a good time to use it. But luckily him and bird brain fell for the bad stuff I did and I was able to use it. he explained as Owlette opened his eyes in shock

Owlette: so you mean that all the bad stuff that happened to ma a few days a go was all you

Romeo: yeah and you and pussy cat fell for it. he said as Owlette got a little sad and went down on her knees

Gekko: well it doesn't matter Romeo, we will get him back. he said with a lot of confidence

Romeo: well Gekko I made this machine only do it once, and with only a one way streak, turning good people bad, so your pussy cat friend is now gone and is never going to come back. he said following an evil laugh

Owlette felt her heart break a little after hearing that, the Night Panther tried to use his panther stripes on them but Gekko blocked it as the two retreated, but before leaving Owlette looked at Night Panther with a sad face then left.

Night Panther: should we go after them. he asked

Romeo: no if I know them like I somewhat do, they may come back for you, so we will wait

Meanwhile, Gekko and Owlette returned to HQ and Gekko went to the middle section. PJ robot looked at him wanting a few answers

PJ robot: where is Catboy

Gekko: Romeo used a new version of his opposite ray and turned him back into Night Panther

PJ robot: oh, so then where is Owlette

Gekko looked around and didn't see her so he went up a level to find her. When he got to Owlette's level he found her in a ball crying her eyes out, so he went to her.

Gekko: Owlette what wrong. he asked

Owlette: I am just thinking of Catboy

Gekko: I know Owlette, but we will get him back

Owlette: no it's more than that, I am thinking of how I was with him over those days, I blamed him for all the bad stuff that happened to me on him when it wasn't his fault. All of that made us break up, and my anger wouldn't let me tell him that I still love him, and now look what happened because of it. she said crying some more

Gekko: Owlette you can't change the past, but since you know what happened now, you can just apologize to him later

Owlette: but Romeo said. she started

Gekko: come on Owlette, when has Romeo's been right about stuff. You know we will save our friend

Owlette believed what he said, but was also wondering if it is possible to do that and Gekko noticed that

Gekko: Owlette what do think Catboy would like you staying here and cry your eyes out like their is no tomorrow, or to get up and go help save him. he asked

Owlette: probably going to save him

Gekko: yeah so come on. he said holding his hand out to pull her on her feet again but Owlette hesitated for a bit

Gekko: Owlette if you wont do it for me than do it for Catboy

Owlette then looked at him and took his hand as he pulled her on her feet.

That's it for this chapter. This is probably the longest chapter in this yet. So Gekko and Owlette now have to find a way to get Catboy back. Comment how you think they will do it. If you think there are just two chapters left in this story you are wrong. There are five or six more chapters left till story three and this are done. See you then.

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