S3C4: a talk with mom

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It has been three days since Connor and Amaya broke up. But around eight minutes from breaking up, both realized something and were confused but just went with it (they realized that even though they hate each other and broke up, their love feelings for each other is still in their hearts). The only problem was that when either of them wants to tell the other about the feelings, their hatred would take control and that say they still hate each other.

Amaya is currently in her room a little sad about her hatred getting the best of her. Her mom noticed her and went to talk to her.

AM (Amaya's mom): Amaya are you okay. she asked worried

Amaya: yeah why

AM: it's just you are not like yourself lately

Amaya: I am fine

AM: Amaya I can tell something is troubling you, please tell me what it is and I will try to help you. she said wanting to help

Amaya: ok.........their is this guy, I am not wanting to say his name, but me and him were a thing. she started

AM: you mean this thing. she asked as she made a heart out of her hands

Amaya: yeah we were, and it was great being with him, he made me really happy being with him. she said with a smile remembering those days

AM: so what happened

Amaya: around a week ago, he started doing bad things to me, and every time I went to him, he denied that he did it, and he said I did bad things to him which went on for a while, and then it got to us and we broke up. she continued

AM: wow, I didn't see that coming

Amaya: their is more, a little while after I realized that I still have love feelings for him, but when I try to tell him, my hatred get's the better of me and I just argue with him a little more..........and I really want to tell him.......cause I want to be with him again. she finished on the verge of tears

AM: that is quite a pickle you got

Amaya: I just don't know what to do. she sad

AM: I think that you should tell him how you feel, and when you feel your anger, try to hold it in. she suggested

Amaya: but what if I can't. she asked a little worried

AM: I believe that you are strong enough to hold your anger inside you. she said with a smile

Amaya: okay, I will try, thanks mom. she said giving her mom a hug

AM: your welcome Amaya. she said hugging back

AM: also here is something that may help you, my mom once told me that love is a crazy and wonderful thing, she even said that it may have the possibility to overcome anything and/or everything. she said after she broke the hug and before she left Amaya's room

Amaya then sat there thinking about what her mom said to her, then her walkie talkie turned on with Greg calling

Greg: Amaya, Connor, you there, over. he said over the walkie talkie

Amaya: Amaya here over

Connor: Connor here, what's up over

Greg: PJ robot just told me that Romeo is up to some business again

Amaya: shocking. she said not surprised

Connor: let's see what he is up too, PJ MASKS WERE ON OUT WAY


After transforming and going to HQ, PJ robot showed Romeo's flying factory around town

Catboy: let's see what he is up too. he said starting to go to the elevators

Owlette remembered what her mom told her so she decided to get it over with

Owlette: Catboy before we go, their is something I want to tell you. she said a little nervous

Catboy: what do you want. he said in a mad voice crossing his arms

Owlette then felt her anger growing inside her

Owlette: I want to say that I..........I........I. she said trying to keep her anger in control

Catboy: just say it already. he said getting annoyed

Owlette: Catboy..........I.........I still

That's it for this chapter. We got ourselves a cliff hanger. Comment below if you think Owlette kept her anger inside or if her anger broke through. By the end of the next chapter you may know who is the special person. Also Comment if you think you finally have the name of the special person. See you next time.

(before the next chapter where you could know the special person by the end of it, here is one final clue for you: the special person has only appeared ONCE in the tv show)

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