S2C7: broke through

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Gekko was still driving the cat car with Catboy in one of the other seats getting his energy back from his anger. They then saw Orticia and their friend in the forest/park near their HQ. Gekko stopped the car near the gate.

Gekko: are you ok to go Catboy. he asked

Catboy: yeah some of my energy came back. he said as he got up

Catboy and Gekko got out of the cat car and went to Orticia and their friend.

Orticia: oh you two are back. she said not surprised

Gekko: yeah and we are getting Owlette back

OP: you can try but your friend is never coming back. she said followed by a little laugh

Catboy heard that and started to get angry again, but this time he remembered what Gekko said and took a few breaths to calm down before he got really mad. But then OP flew up and used owl wind and blew them away a little bit and end up on their stomachs. Orticia and OP then ran away.

Catboy: Gekko can you handle Orticia. he asked getting up

Gekko: yeah, but what are you going to do. he said and asked getting up

Catboy: I am going to get my girlfriend back. he said before using his super cat speed

Gekko ran and caught up with Orticia and distracted her to give Catboy some time. Catboy found OP and ran in front of her.

OP: kitty boy, I had a feeling you would follow me, so what do you plan on doing

Catboy: I am going to seperate you from Owlette and give Owlette her body back. he said in a serious voice still staying calm

OP: you can try but I am stronger than her from the beginning, she hardly tried to keep me out when I took over her body, so she has no chance of getting me out of her body

Catboy: your wrong, I know Owlette she wouldn't give her body to a little evil plant like you. he said before running to her making her trip

Catboy: Owlette I know your in their, and I know you wouldn't just sit their waiting for when you have control of your body. he said with hope he can connect with her

OP just stayed on the ground for a few seconds with nothing happening then she got up

OP: nice try kid but your friend probably realize she is too weak against me, she said with an evil smile

Catboy: you wrong again, Owlette has a kind heart and she is strong in her own way, and I know she is stronger than you because........I believe in her.........both as her team mate and as her boyfriend......I know she will come back to us and/or me tonight. he said with his heart in a serious voice

OP: so what if she was strong then she would of. she started before getting a weird feeling in her head making her put her hands on her head and making painful sounding noises

OP: what's happening..........to...........me. she said in some pain

Catboy: it's working. he said with a smile

Catboy then ran to her got her on the floor again and then got on top of her holding her arms down to keep her from trying to get him off.

Catboy: come on Owlette, I know you can do it, come back to us and most importantly come back........to me

OP then closed her eyes as her head swung back and forth. after a few seconds she opened her eyes and looked at Catboy while she looks like she is still struggling.

OP: Catboy. she said in a weak voice and in a voice we know (until I tell you, Owlette is going to talk in a weak voice)

Catboy: Owlette, I knew you could fight it

OP (I am still putting this even though Owlette is somewhat in control because of the the vines still in her body): Catboy, I am trying but it is really strong. she said

Catboy: please Owlette, you got to fight it, the PJ masks need you............I need you. he said on the verge of tears

OP: Catboy if this is the end of me. she started

Catboy: don't say that Owlette. he interrupted her but she continued

OP: if this is the end of me...........their is one thing I would like. she said as she started to feel the plant taking back control

Catboy: what. he asked as little tears broke through

Owlette then broke her hand free and put a finger on Catboy's lips and instantly Catboy knew what she wanted. So Catboy put his hand on her cheeks, while Owlette wrapped her arms around his neck, and they got closer till their lips came together and kissed.

As they kissed Owlette felt the struggles disappear, and her suit started to light up. Then vines around her body then broke and fell from her body and fell to the floor and disintegrated. Then they broke from the kiss and Catboy saw the vines were gone and Owlette opened her eyes and for Catboy's surprise they were their usual red color.

Catboy: Owlette. he asked followed by a hug from Owlette

Owlette (she starts taking normally now): I knew you would save me. she said as Catboy hugged her back

Catboy then helped Owlette stand up and then they went to Gekko

That's it for this chapter. Catboy remained calm and managed to get Owlette back in control of her body. Leave a comment telling me what you think of story two. Their is one more chapter left in this story before we go to story three the final story. See you then.

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