S3C1: new plan

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A few nights later from Owlette was freed from the plant's power, Romeo was in his flying factory thinking of a new plan to get the PJ masks

Romeo: maybe I can.........no, oh how about............nah, I got it...........that wont work either. he said thinking but he couldn't causing him to hit his head on the control panel

Robot: master is everything ok. he asked

Romeo: oh robot, it seems that ever since kitty cat and bird brain got together, the PJ pests ruin my plans so easily, and I can't think of any other plans today. he said with a sigh

Robot: yeah those two make a great pair

Romeo: not helping Robot

Robot: master even before the two got together the PJ's still ruined your plans

Romeo: your somewhat making it worse

Robot: robot wonders if they would still ruin your plans if the two were to break up

Romeo: yeah break up. he said not interested but then he got a new idea

Romeo: that's it robot your a genius

Robot: yeah robot is a genius...........why is robot a genius, he asked wondering

Romeo: I am going to make the love birds get mad at each other so much that they wont want to be with each other. he said with an evil smile

Robot: but master, the two really love each other, how will you do it

Romeo: that is going to be a secret, and possibly if it goes to plan, I might be able to use a secret thing. he said with another evil smile

Robot: what is the thing you have as a secret. he said wanting to know

Romeo: I am glad you asked robot, but I am not going to say a lot, you see after something ago, I have been secretly making something and I hope I can use it. he said really wanting to use it 

So Romeo have been think of ways to get Catboy and Owlette and thinking of how he could use his secret item

That's it for this chapter. So Romeo wants to break Catboy and Owlette up and wanting to use something. Comment below what you think Romeo will do and what Romeo secretly has. See you next time.

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