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Glaring colours in a glacial stare have caught my eyes
The edge is closer than the echo of your voice
One comment of commitment lets my head spin around and around
It's still embedded
Solidly, in the promises we did
It should be mutable
The opacity of the gap that once wasn't there
We played a game you and I, we've always turned a phrase
Laughing while avoiding falling gravel
Until one of us threw the fundamental key away
The fog started to appear
We kept an eye out for each other, but the ship-wreck had already happened
Moon and stars illuminated an escape for us, both being soaked in coldness
Never we thought this could happen to us
Drifting away, predicating the motives of each other
And now we're here
Reaching for the stars and their lights
While traveling further and further away
I miss the good old days, even more now that we see eye to eye for once
But I remember your expression, clear and self-assured
Kindness alone isn't always good enough

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