All alone

21 7 8

I'm all alone, I think
In the dark, looking for a way out
In silence, waiting until sounds will return

I'm all alone, and I know it
There's no one else who could hear me
There's no one to be worried

I'm all alone
Silence answers my words
Echoes from the voices in my head sounding too loud

I'm all alone, I think
there's a whisper, unknown but audible
There are eyes, which are looking straight at me

I'm all alone, and I know it
It's in my head, in my head alone
They're dreams,
Darker than my usual dreams,
Lighter than my nightmares

I'm all alone
In this room
In this place I call my home

I'm alone
No one is here
Only shadows passing by
Of the ones that were once with me
But who are now so far away


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