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Emptiness is all I feel
It feels strange the emptiness
Didn't know this feeling existed
I don't know what to feel
Sadness because it's over
Relief because it's gone
Fear because it isn't the end
Delightfulness because I'm not alone

Emptiness is all is left
Everything disappeared in a blink
Happiness has moved to the background
And everything else followed
Things have been changing
It's touchable in the air
You hear the sounds of leaving things
When you still stand there, all alone

Emptiness has taken over
My mind can't sleep, while my body can
I'm restless, the only thing I can do is move
Like I'm running from this pool of ink
That is dripping on the page

But you can't escape from things like that
They always come back, no matter when
And I want to be prepared as I've never been before

Emptiness is all I feel
But there's more than that
It's like a curtain that's in front of important things you can't see or feel
How can I open them and see what's behind them?
Which tools do I need?

Emptiness is a mystery that I still haven't figured out
But I will have some time and I'll be prepared
Always and ever


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