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"Morning Maddie," Calum grinned as I walked downstairs with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

"Morning," I lightly smiled as I sat down at the island.

"Eggs ok for breakfast?"

"Yeah, that's ok thank you," I said.

"Not a problem," he said as he grabbed the eggs and started to crack them. "How did you sleep?"

"Alright, how about you?" I asked after lying.

"Pretty good, you're the first one up,"

"I like to get up earlier," I told him.

"You would be the only one," he chuckled. We talked a little bit as he made breakfast, then gave me a plate of food and himself. Everyone else had soon joined up (Michael being the last) and we ate breakfast with conversation going on. Today was the last day with them, and I was pretty excited to go back with them. I was just hoping they had everything cleaned out.

After eating, I went upstairs and changed into a pair of sweats and an oversized shirt. I was sitting on the bed playing on my phone until Calum had come in. "Here pretty girl, make sure you take your inhaler," he handed me a blue inhaler. I sighed, but nodded as he sat down on the bed next to me. "I want you to do it this time so I can make sure you're doing it correctly,"

"Ok," I mumbled. I shook the inhaler and did it how he taught me, getting an approved nod from him.

"Are you excited to go back home?"

"Yeah, a little," I shrugged.

"Is there anything you want to do before you go back?" he asked and I thought for a moment. Was there anything I wanted to do?

"Zoo?" I looked at him, making him chuckle.

"Zoo" He raised an eyebrow.

"I've never been to one,"

"Alright, then we'll go to the zoo," he smiled and I smiled back. He left the room and I continued to go through my phone until there was a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Do you have my shit?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I'm sorry?"

"I was given this number to call when I arrived, do you have my shit?"

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number," I apologized, then hung up. I changed into the clothes I wore to the hospital that Luke had washed, then went down and saw all the guys there.

"Ready?" Michael asked and I nodded.

"Yep," I grinned.

"You've never been to the zoo?" Ashton asked as we went out to the car.

"Nope," I shook my head.

"That's honestly surprising," he said and I shrugged.

"My brothers aren't really the field trip type,"

"Yeah, clearly," I chuckled at that comment. Obviously they didn't find it funny, but I did and it was true. They never did any activities with me, so I haven't done any simple things that most kids did. Going to the zoo was on my bucket list, and I was excited.

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