Chapter 3 King

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I now know what Rakia was talking about.

The scar is on her forehead. It goes past her eye and stops at the top of her cheek.

But I don't get it. We have healing magic. And for something as simple as that scar, it should be an easy fix.

The rumors are true about her appearance though. Red eyes. And long black hair.

It's in a braid. Flung over one shoulder, cascading down onto her lap.

But they forgot to mention how breathtaking she is.

I don't know about her height though.
She's been sitting ever since I got here.
I mean, it's a little rude not to greet the King.
But I won't tell her that.

From where I'm sitting I can see her torso.
She has black armor on.
Obsidian black.
It looks pretty tight.
You can see her broad shoulders.
The curve of her brea-
This is an alliance.
She may be my wife soon but this is just a political marriage.
Strictly professional.
I think?
She's wearing a black crown too.
It looks, it looks like black smoke?
But it's just sitting there on top of her head.
Like a solid.
Like a shadow.
It's kind of ominous.

And creepy.

She has captivating features
Slightly tan skin.
Plump lips.
A small curved nose.
She has delicate but strong features.
Features that hold authority.

She has an alluring voice.
A firm voice. And when she speaks, she doesn't hesitate.

She's enticing as much as she is terrifying.

When she corrected Levos, it wasn't arrogant or snarky. She didn't have an attitude like people said she did.

It was simply correcting ones mistake.

There's two people standing behind her.
On her right it's a man.
Black hair and blue eyes. Pale skin.

To her left is a women.
Slightly shorter then the man.
Bright red hair, tied to the back of her head.
Green eyes and pale skin as well.

I zone back into the conversation when I hear Rakia say Kingdom instead of Queendom.

I think it's quite a clever word.

When I correct her I see the slightest movement in Queen Circe'a face before it vanishes.
I caught it though.
Amusement played on her features.

There talking about Drow elfs.

And when she confirms they live in her Queendom, I was kind of astonished.

I didn't think all that talk about Drow elfs living there were true.
But then again no one really goes in the Asthlim territory to begin with.

"Like yours?" Phialoc questions Queen Circe.

I look over to her.
Her mouth slightly twitches before she speaks.

"No. Their whole eye is red. They have a pupil but their sclera is also red."


But we're getting way off topic.

This meeting was held so we can make preparations for the wedding.

We just wanted a small one. Me, Queen Circe, and a priest to marry us.

But the council disagreed.

They think we should hold a big one. So everyone can see the proof of the partnership.

"Alright," I interrupt their conversation.

"Let's get to the most urgent topic at hand."

"Preparing the wedding." I finish.

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