Chapter 28 Queen

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I can practically hear the silent confusion behind me.

I keep walking down the street glancing at the burnt down buildings I put out earlier. I'm still drained from using my Typhokinesis but I was still able to take away Kamau's burn and transfer them onto me.

While yes I like scars, I'm not particularly fond of burns. They heal all weird and surface wounds itch like a bitch. Hurts way more then a stab wound in my opinion.

It's like a nasty rug burn and you can't stop your skin from itching and burning.

All Kamau's residence physicians are preoccupied with healing the towns people so I can see how Kamau probably didn't want to be a bother, and sure I might have been mad at him but I don't want him to be in pain.

Syrian snores on my chest and it makes me wonder what quhal he's gonna get, or if he's gonna get one at all.

Humans have quhals, like me and Kamau. But most of them don't.

Quhals pertain mostly to humans because they don't have particular skills like being an elf and what comes with it, same with phoenix shifters or Garou's.

But being a phoenix shifter can be considered a quhal in its self because your able to shift.

Seri's cries bring me out of my head and I turn around.

She has tears streaming down her face as she frantically looks around before her blue eyes lock onto my red ones.

She try's to fling herself out of Kamau's arms while she sobs my name.

"Circe!" She wails.

Oh shit. Why is she crying?

I quickly walk up to Kamau and scoop her out of his arms.

All this noise seemed to wake up Syrian and he just silently watches his sister from my other arm.

Her little body putting pressure on the burns on my right arm and I quietly hiss at the feeling of my jacket chafe the burns, probably making it worse.

Thankfully Kamau doesn't notice.

As soon as I have her, her crys mellow out into sniffles as she holds onto my neck tightly.

"Why is she crying?" I whisper to Kamau.

He looks to Seri before looking at me.

"I think she missed you, and when you weren't the one holding her when she woke up, she got scared that you left again." He whispers back.

I frown.

"Seri," I try speaking to her lightly, but in a firm enough voice to let her know I'm serious. "You know I'm not gonna leave you, right?"

She leaves the place in the crevice of my neck and peaks her blue watery eyes and pink stained cheeks at me, "you won't leave, ever? Promise?"

I nod. "I promise. Now do you wanna go back into Kamau's arms?"

She shakes her head.

I turn my head to my left arm where a quiet Syrian is comfortably rested. "What about you? Do you want to go?"

He shakes his head as well.

I sigh and look over to a not very pleased Kamau, I shrug at the jealousy that I get to hold both of the kids and keep walking.

It's not until I'm a good distance away that I hear his jogging footsteps to catch up. Then I feel his big hand on the lower part of my back and I scoff and look at him.

He has a small grin on his face. He wasn't jealous that I was holding the twins, he was jealous that the twins were holding me.

"Are you not cold?" I look at his burnt free sienna skin that's fitted in a short sleeve gray shirt. "I packed you a jacket, it's in your bag." I glance at the dark green backpack slung over his shoulder, accompanying it are the kids bags and duffles.

His clothes are super huge so I had to limit what I could fit in his bag, I plan on going shopping for him once we get to Asthlim.

He removes his hand from my back, quickly pulls out the black jacket I packed for him before putting it on and placing his hand back on my back in rapid speed.

I quietly scoff and we keep walking until I spot it.

We're here.

The building is charred, but the windows are still intact, and I see a figure in there moving.

This is a good sign.

I go to open the door but Kamau beats me to it and I nod in thanks as I walk through threshold and a familiar soiled man greets me.

(Refer to the beginning of chapter 14)

"Ah I'm so glad your here, I was hoping you'd come here before everyone left to your country, Asthlim."

"Yes, I'm here. I assume it's ready since you were waiting for me?" I question.

He nods twice, "yes! It's ready." He goes behind the counter and pulls out this big chest. "Thankfully it didn't burn because it was protected by this," he pats the chest, "it's pretty heavy though, and you got kids with you, how are you gonna carry it?"

I glance at the 6'8 giant next to me and the old man finally noticed him, I don't know why, he's hard to miss.

"King Kamau!" He exclaims.

Kamau softly smiles, "Hello Clarice," he looks at the black chest confused. "What is that."

So that's what his name was.

"It's-" I send him a look to zip his mouth, and he does.

I look at Kamau and give him a smile. "Hon, can you pick that up so we can leave," I glance at the two toddlers in my arms, "my hands are kinda full."

I can practically feel his face heat up as he mutters an, "okay." And picks up the big chest like it's nothing, no normal human could even lift it, most couldn't even drag it.

I look to Clarice. "Will you be joining us on our way back?"

"Oh yes! Thank you, my wife is waiting for me back at the castle."

Words- 1062

I just want you guys to know that if I don't tag emotions on to Circe then she doesn't have them, for example in this chapter, picture her say all her lines with a bored or blank expression, nothing up beat.

When I read wattpad I neglect my author duties 😭

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