Chapter 20 Queen

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I wake up to being smushed on each side. Seri's hair is all up in my face while Kamau's hands are sticking to me like glue.

How did I even get in this situation.


"You wash them." I say to Kamau as I run outside of the bathroom and into their bedroom where all their cloths were delivered about 10 minutes ago.

When we were out getting their clothes and toys, Kamau got some people in here to decorate the children's room.

I know I'm doing a lot for someone who said I'd find them a family, but the more I'm with them the more I want to keep them. I didn't plan on being married to Kamau for long, just until the public trusted me but, I'm actually starting to like it here, and I like him too.

"Circe!" Kamau yells my name, I walk into the bathroom and find puddles of water on the floor, and Kamau completely soaked, his shirt is sticking to his torso, perfectly outlining his abs, and his pants hugging his big ass thighs.

I put Seri and Syrians clothes on the counter as I walk up to him. "What happened here?"

Kamau just turns around and points at the kids like a snitch. I tilt my head and see two pale naked toddlers holding the detachable shower head and pointing it at us for round two. I quickly drag Kamau's body in front of me so he can get sprayed instead.

What? He's already wet, no use in both of us getting soaked. Plus I hate wet clothes sticking to me.

Kamau screams but still stays in front of me, shielding me from the water.

Aww it almost makes me feel bad for throwing him to the little sharks, almost.

Still standing behind him, I peek my head over his shoulders, on my tippy toes just slightly. I point to the kids and give them a death glare. "Put that shit down, right now."

They immediately drop it and hop back in the tub.

Kamau's mouth drops, "how come when I said that they didn't listen."

I shrug, "you don't got it like I do." I wipe the imaginary dust of my shoulder before looking back at him. "Finish up so we can put them down in their beds."

That seems to get their attention because Syrian starts whining. "But we wanna sleep with you Circe!"

I shake my head, "no I'm going to sleep by myself."

Kamau's head whips around like I just physically hurt him.

I look at him with a 'what' expression but he just avoids my stare.

I look towards the kids clothes, "you got this right? I'm getting tired." Right on cue I start yawning and for added effect I stretch my arms over my head and then I walk out of the bathroom to go to my own bedroom in the Queens hall.


I've toss and turn for about 30 minutes before I hear my door open. I keep my eyes closed, knowing exactly who it is.

Light footsteps come around my bed and then stop when they reach me.

Nothing happens for about 20 seconds, until I feel him lean over and a small skinny finger pokes my cheek. But I stay asleep.

Then it happens again, and again.

Before it happens a fourth time I grab the hand poking me and open my eyes just in time see Seri scream and retract her hand from my light grip.

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