Chapter 14 Queen

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"How long?" I ask

"About a month, Ma'am." He says

I sigh and pull up my cloak up just a little more, these eyes really are distinctive, and I don't feel like being recognized at the moment.

I already had to to wait til the store opened up at seven, now nightfall is fast approaching.

"Here." I throw the money pouch on the counter. The soiled old man behind it, grabs the pouch. "Pleasure doing business with you." He says in a heavy accent.

When I walk out the store, my body decides it's hungry and my stomach growls.

I mean it isn't that late, might as well get something to eat.

The streets are still bustling with people and the lights around the roads are lit.

I go to the first store I see. It's a type of stand where they sell food out of the window. I'm standing in line, figuring out what I should get, but suddenly something bumps into my calf.

I look down.

A child?

I tilt my head. It isn't moving from its position though. Instead, it screams and points to something, grabbing my attention as well as the many people within sound range.

I look up to try and spot what she's pointing at. It's a man. A greasy fat man and I can smell the alcohol radiating off him from here.

"Come here little girl." He opens his mouth and all I see is rotting teeth.

The child screams again. I'm assuming it's a girl from that filthy man's statement. I can't see the child's face to confirm.

He totally ignores my presence and try's to pick up the child.

"I don't know you!! Stranger!! Go away!!" The tiny trembling voice says.

Well if she says she doesn't know him, that gives me the go ahead, right?

"Alright that's enough. Stop tormenting the child." I put my hand up to stop him from going any further.

"Mind your business lady, I'm her father."

I look him up and down.

"Doesn't look like it." I say dryly.

"Who do you think you are?" He scoffs. "Get the fuck out of my way." He says and try's to push me.

Keyword, try.

"Are you a brick wall? I said move."

I heave a heavy sigh. All I wanted was some fucking food.

I look around. We have an audience now.

I grab his neck, focusing on pressure points. His eyes roll back and his mouth goes agape. I watch as he flops down like a bag of bones.

I'm about to address the child but she runs away.

Great, now I have to chase a child.

I follow her into the small alleyway and watch her take two rights and a left, copying her movements I finally reach her.

She's huddled in a corner on top of cardboard, and she's not alone. There's a little boy right next to her, looking just as terrified as her.

"Hello?" I try to keep my voice as nice as possible.

They flinch. But they still face the wall. Making me unable to see their faces.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." I bend down but still keep distance. "I just took down the bad guy who was chasing you. I just wanna know where your parents are." I ask.

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