Chapter 26 Queen

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"All of us?" Kolvar questions excitedly.

Where did he come from?

I slowly nod. "Yes all of us." I confirm.

I look towards Kamau for silent agreement, he gives me a nod.

I step back from the group and put Seri on the ground before putting my thumb and forefinger in my mouth, whistling loudly gathering the attention of most of the towns people, at least the ones that are in close enough distance where they can hear me.

The rest silent down as they notice the people in front of them being quiet.

I feel Seri's arms wrap around my calf as I clear my throat before speaking loudly, "As you can see the Castle is destroyed, most of your homes are destroyed and your shops as well. I'll be the first to announce this was no accident, it was a planned attack to ruin Beluson and it worked. What they demolished will take months to rebuild, for now everyone will relocate to Asthlim, and before a wave of panic falls over you, don't worry, it's not as bad as rumors suggest. Gather what you have left, only what you can carry, everything else will be provided for you. If you have horses bring them, if not the Kings residence has horses and carriages that were thankfully safe and still intact, some of you will have to walk or rotate in between so everyone can rest between the two day journey. We will leave at nightfall, tell anybody else you might find in town the news. Thank you for listening that is All" I dismiss them.

I turn around and pick up Seri once again before walking back to Kamau. I see that the rest of them are back, Sansa's pale skin is covered in soot as well as Selkie. Rakia looks completely fine like she didn't help at all, which I guess is true because I froze the time surrounding us.

I can only freeze the people around me, someone from the neighboring town cannot see me or the people I froze so they won't freeze, but if they were somehow to see them, my quhal would stop them as well, my own built in safety measure to make sure I'm not compromised.

"Here." I put Seri in Kamau's arm.

"Where are you going?" He says as he adjusts both of his arms to comfortably hold the twins.

I point to the destroyed castle. "We all need clothes, especially the kids. I'm gonna rummage through everything and pack everyone's bags." I gesture to the elf siblings, Rakia, Sansa and Selkie since we all lived in the residence together.

"What? No it's dangerous we don't need anything, we can just buy it when we get to Asthlim."

I mentally roll my eyes and come up with a plausible answer because I'm going whether he wants me to or not. "I'm materialistic and sentimental, I want my things and the kids didn't even get to play with the things we bought or try on any clothes, plus its getting colder, I mean look at what everyone is wearing."

He glances at the twins. Seri is in a dark green short sleeve and shorts, the sun is falling quickly and I can see goosebumps arising on her legs as she snuggles into Kamau. Syrian is also wearing shorts and a short sleeve but his shirt is purple.

Does it normally get this chilly down here?

I don't have a jacket but I take my short sleeve top and pull it over my head, leaving me in in a dark grey thick strapped tank top and black jeans.

Since the twins are small and I'm quite the opposite, I use my shirt as a blanket and I drape it over their cold forms.

"They need jackets, I'm going." I say with no room for argument but he must be deluded with the next thing that comes out of his mouth.

"No you will not go." He says with a demanding tone and I give him a blank stare before scoffing.

"What pathetic attempt at control, do not use that fucking tone with me." He flinches when he hears the venom in the word 'fucking'. I flick my ponytail off my shoulder as I walk past him.

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