Chapter 23 Queen

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A/N - I have to break the alternate Queen,king chapter cycle and do another queen 😭 ughhh I didn't want that to happen but I'll just do double King in the next two chapters to make it even again.


Chaos is the first thing I see. Buildings on fire as I increase speed and zoom bye faster. People screaming and bloody on the street. The smell of burnt flesh and rubble in the air.

I try to control my heartbeat as I look around. I can hear Cela's fast breathing behind me, that chokes up every one in awhile.

"What are you doing we have to stop and help them." Cela says in a hurry as I pass by more and more people.

I shake my head. "I need to make sure Kamau and the kids are alright, then I'll help as many people as I can."

The mention of them invokes the memory that her brothers are there too. In the destruction of the city.

"They're fine. Don't worry." I try to calm her down and slow the tears I feel dripping down my back. But it seems I just made it worse. Her voice breaks behind me as she digs her head further in my back, "and if there not?" She whispers.

I laugh but it sounds like I'm in pain. "They are fine."

I pull up to the far side of the Castle and stop. My gut turns as I look at the place, it's in ruins. Parts of the mansion completely collapsed in on itself and cracks all along the foundation.

I jump off my bike and drag Cela off because she was taking too long and couldn't reach the floor from her seat on my bike.

In one quick motion of my hand I make the bike disappear. And I start running towards the entrance with Cela close behind, I let out a huge sigh of relief as I see Rakia and Levos at the entrance with a twin in each of there arms.

They don't notice us until we we're right in-front of them.

Cela tackles Levos into a hug while Rakia turns towards me, surprise evident in her voice and face. "Queen Circe! Your here."

I check for any wounds. "Are you guys okay." My eyes dart up and down their small figures.

"Yea we're fine." Levos says as he hugs his sister back, palming the back of her brown head, but I'm not talking to them.

"Circe!!" Seri screams as she flings herself towards me with the biggest smile on her face.

I close my eyes as I wrap my arms around her and let out a breath of relief into her Onyx hair.

I hear the older siblings talk to each other but I can't hear anything right now.

These new emotions are taking a toll on me so I crouch down, still hugging Seri close, while I try to calm myself down.

"I'm sorry for leaving without a proper goodbye." I murmur so only she can hear me.

She pulls away so she can look at my face. "It's okay." She loudly whispers back.

I let her go gently down on the floor and I motion for Rakia to give me Syrian while still in the squatting position.

I hug Syrian equally as hard and look at him, "are you okay?"

His big blue eyes look at me, "yes" he whispers.

"Good, good." They're okay, so why can't I come down.

I shoot up to my feet. "Where is everyone else? Where's Kamau?" I ask almost frantically before I compose myself, looking around.

"He's fine," Rakia reassures quickly before continuing, "he's in the nearest town, Alerassa, helping, all of them went to a separate nearby town to help, we stayed back to watch the twins but now that your here we're itching to join them."

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