Chapter 13 King

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Okay, so she may be evil.

She just licked the knife that she stabbed the guy with.

My stomach turns.

What the fuck. What if he has rabies or something.

Gasps and horrified faces wash over the crowd.

But she isn't looking at them, she's looking at me.

She must see the dismay on my face because she speaks.

"I was just testing the blood, tasting it, to see what region he came from. Blood has a different taste based on where you and your ancestors are from. This one's salty, saltier than most." She pauses before continuing. "He's from the Derroth District."


That calms my nerves a little. Knowing my soon to be wife doesn't have a blood fetish.

"What was that bang?" I question.

She bends down and swipes the rest of the blood on the knife, on the dead body before putting it back on her sheath and standing up, walking towards me.

She pulls something from her waistband. "A gun." She points it at me.

"A gun?"

She nods.

She sees my confused face so she aims it at the dead body and another bang rings out.

Causing more startled and screaming people.

Even I flinched.

"That's how it works."

"Can you put it away now?" I ask nicely.

She eyes me up and down but says "sure" anyway.

"I think it's time you get back to your residence Kamau. That person," she point to the corpse. "Was trying to kill you." She points at me.

"Wait, what do you mean 'you'. Aren't you coming too?"


My eyes widen and I don't even realized I grabbed her hand. "What? Where are you going?"

"Somewhere." She says vaguely.

"Let me come with." I plead.

"No. Go home. I'll be back by nightfall."


"Stop sulking, King." Kolvar mocks. As if being King suddenly means I don't have emotions.

Levos nudges his arm. "Can't you see the man's heartbroken? His lady just shooed him away."

Oh he got jokes now? Isn't he suppose to be the serious brother?

Just wait until he finds a special someone.

The doors to the main entrance opens and i immediately spring up from the couch.

But then I hear the voice.

I sigh and sit back down. Shoulders slump.

"I'm backkk!" She annoyingly sings.

"Hello Cela." I say dryly

I ruffle my hair for the third time while I push my my body deeper in the couch in disappointment.

"Cela!" Levos and Kolvar yell, tackling her in a group hug.

"Woah, we're not little anymore! You guys are bigger than me now, are you trying to crush me? I just got here!" She scolds her younger brothers.

They simultaneously let go, and she fixes her long light brown hair.

For them being siblings, they sure don't look like it. Kolvar having grey hair and brown eyes, Levos having dark brown hair, blue-ish-grey eyes. Cela having light brown hair and grey eyes.

I guess the similar eyes are hereditary.

And Cela is pretty short for an elf. Standing at about 5'7.

"My bad." Kolvar rubs the back of his neck.

"Sorry." Levos mumbles.

"How was your hunting trip? Kolvar asks.

"Eh it was fine nothing special." She say quickly.

Then Cela's grey eyes turn to me and she rubs her hands together, excitedly. "Now, where's that wife of yours? I've been dying to meet her! Is she like what the rumors say?" She rapid fires.

I rub my forehead. "First of all she's not my wife."




They all say at the same time.

Three peas in a freaking pod.

"She's in town, getting something." I continue.

"Getting what? "She asks curiously.

A question I don't know the answer to.

"I don't know. Stop asking me questions."  I huff and lean my head back.

"What's with him?" Cela asks to no one is particularly.

"They were in town together before Queen Circe told him to go back home." Kolvar explains. "Now he's all pouty because he couldn't stay with her."

"I do not pout." I bark out.

It stays silent for a minute before I look around.

"Where is Rakia, Sansa and Selkie?" I question.

I turn back around to see Kolvar blushing red. "What?"

He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly and coughs. "Um.. Selkie is on bed rest.." he trails off.

Levos snickers beside him.

I jump up. "Why? Is he okay? Is he hurt?"

Levos seems he can't hold it in any longer and he bursts out laughing.

Cela looks just as confused as me.

"Alright that's enough guys, spit out what we don't know." Cela says in her big sister voice.

Kolvar doesn't answer so we have to wait for Levos to wipe the tears out of his eyes.

Once Levos collects himself he clears his throat, "They were going rough at it last night, now he's all sore."

"What?" My face makes a confused expression.

Cela rolls her eyes and presses on my shoulder, motioning me to bend down a bit so she can whisper in my ear.

"Kolvar and Selkie fucked."

I clear my throat and slowly raise to my full height. "Oh." I feel my cheeks get warm.

I scratch me head. "What about Sansa and Rakia?"

Levos thinks about it. "I think Rakia is with Vomy and I have no clue about Sansa."


Pretty short chapter. The next one will be what we all have been waiting for.

Check out my tiktok so you can get a visual on what Cela looks like. @juliannaaamp

Last night I just thought of a book idea and started writing for fun. I think it's gonna be a short story tho.

It's abt this huge scary guy who stalks the fl bc he's too shy to actually go up to her.

And the girl knows she's being stalked and loves it 😭

It's a dark romance but at the same time not bc the only dark thing abt it is that he stalks her.

I think I have a girl name ready but any unique ones for boys? I won't take those popular wattpad names ether.

I feel like I need to add details bc I'm lacking 😭 but I just wanna post this chapter already.

Word count- 1044

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