Prologue: Origins

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On Planet Vegeta:

Bardock sees a flying figure coming straight towards him, they land and look around. Bardock is confused. "Hey, can I help you?" Bardock questions. "Yes, can you tell me what the name of this planet is?" The figure asks. "Planet Vegeta... if you don't mind me asking, how are you able to breathe in space?" Bardock says.

With a proud smile, the figure says, "That's because I am a Viltrumite." Bardock's eyes widen when he hears the word. "Viltrumite? Like the aliens that conquer other planets? Don't tell me you're here to conquer planet Vegeta."

"Oh, so I see you are well educated. How do you know of the Viltrumites?" The figure asks. "Well, a small team and I have traveled to planet Viltrum to make it a part of Frieza's growing empire."

"Frieza... one of these days I will kill him." Bardock was surprised to hear this, he then smiles. "You and me both."

"He ruled over the Viltrumites, even our strongest were not able to defeat him. But a virus, the Scourge virus wiped out nearly one hundred percent of the Viltrumites. I am sure that the planet is no use for him now. I, however, escaped the planet before the virus got worse. Now I am here."

"A virus? That must be hard knowing that you are one of the few of the kind still living." The figure looks at Bardock. "Omni Man," he says. "What?," Bardock questions. "Call me Omni Man."

"Well Omni Man, I believe you and I are going to be great friends. The name is Bardock." He puts out his hand for a handshake. Omni Man gladly accepts. "So, uh, what are you doing out here anyway ?" Omni man questions. "Waiting for my team." Bardock answers. "Is this the same team that came with you to Viltrum?" Omni Man asks.

"No... they were wiped out when we got into a fight with the Viltrumites." Bardock says to him, It was silent. Omni Man clears his throat, "I think that's them over there." He said pointing in a direction. "Yes, that's them."

The group of Saiyans head over to Bardock and Omni Man. "Who's this?" The only female of the group asks. "Omni Man."

Bardock introduces his group to Omni Man. "Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh."

"I have a feeling this planet won't be all that bad," Omni Man says looking straight at Fasha. She just scoffs. "I'm hungry, who's up for some food?" Borgos says to the group. They all agree and Omni Man follows the group.

They land in front of Bardock's house where they are greeted by Gine, Bardock's wife. "Who's your new friend?" She asks. "The name is Omni Man, a Viltrumite." Bardock's squad was all surprised to learn that a Viltrumite is with them. The area was tense and Omni Man could tell. "Relax, I won't destroy your planet." They all sigh a breath of relief.

"Ok, well... I'll cook for you all if you wish." They all nod their head in agreement and head into the house. The Saiyans and Viltrumite all sit down and enjoy their food. "You are a great cook, Gine." Omni Man states. "Aw, thank you for the compliment."

Omni Man starts up a conversation. "From what I had gathered and seen from you Saiyans, you all are very similar to Viltrumites. Although I doubt you could survive life-threatening injuries."

The Viltrumites piqued Bardock's interest, and he wanted to learn more about them. All he knew was that they were durable, but how durable? "Tell us more," Bardock tells his new friend.

"Well, for one the Viltrumites can breathe in space. Survive life-threatening injuries like I said before. An example could be getting your spine broken or something."

"That would kill a Saiyan!" Fasha exclaimed. "How can someone survive with such injuries? If a Saiyan happened to survive something like this and heal, they would receive an unimaginable zenkai boost!" She continued.

Now Omni Man was confused, "What is a zenkai boost?" He questions. "When a Saiyan is badly injured or close to death, they can heal and come back stronger." Fasha explained. "Reminds me of someone that I know." Omni Man found himself blurting out. "Who would that be?" Bardock asked. "His name is Allen, he gets stronger each time he heals from a fight. But he isn't a Saiyan. The same can be said for Viltrumites but the power difference isn't great.

'I wonder how strong a Saiyan Viltrumite could be...' Omni Man thought. He decides to humor the group. "How about a Viltrumite with the natural abilities of a Saiyan? I believe they would be a force to be reckoned with, the perfect fighter."

"Would that even be possible?" Bardock asks. "I don't see why not." Omni Man says.

- *Two Years Later**

"Omni Man! It's Frieza, he is calling for all Saiyans off-world to travel back to Vegeta." Bardock says to his friend. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Omni Man says under his breath. That's when his eyes widen in realization, he turns to face Bardock."The kids! I need to get the kids to safety!" Omni Man blitzes to two Saiyan incubation chambers and grabs a hold of Kakarot and YN. He steals a pod and puts both kids into it. "Earth, you're going to earth. I'll be back for both of you." He tells them. The pod blasts off, not catching onto Frieza's radar.

Omni Man gets back to Bardock and with the help of other Saiyans, they form a rebellion. Omni Man and Bardock are face to face with Frieza himself and attempt to fight. It was all a useless effort. Bardock gets his heart pierced by a death beam by Frieza. "No!" Omni Man yells out. "Mark my words Frieza, you are going to pay one day. As I am now, I know I am not enough to defeat you but I do know who will."

Frieza was amused, what was this Viltrumite going on about? "Foolish Viltrumite, I will spare you if you join my force." Omni Man wasn't having it. He speeds off onto the planet and looks for Fasha. "What the hell is happening?" She asks him. "Where is YN?" She says. "Don't worry he's safe, I sent him to a planet with a weak population."

A large shadow casts over them as they look up to see a death ball was being created. Omni Man looks to his partner with a sorrowful expression. "Fasha.. I'm sorry." Without another word said, Omni Man blitzes off of planet Vegeta. Once he was far enough he hears the loud destruction of the planet. He never looks back.


Now on planet Earth, Omni Man searches for the pod that contains YN and Kakarot. He finds them in Chicago Illinois. They were surrounded by reporters. The news saying that a mysterious pod has crash-landed in Chicago. Omni Man grabs the attention of the people, "Everyone get out of my way! They are my kids!"

"Who is that?"

"Is that a new superhero?"

Omni Man grabs both of the boys. He looks at the cameras of the news people. "Listen up! These two are under my protection. I have come here because of them. However, I promise you all that if there happens to be a threat, I will gladly take care of it. Call me, Omni Man!"

From that day forward, Omni Man was known to be Earth's greatest hero. A couple of months after arriving on Earth, Omni Man meets someone new. Debbie. They have a kid, Mark Grayson. Together, Mark, Kakarot, and YN grow up as brothers.

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