Chapter 6: A state of Wrath

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The paramedics arrived a couple minutes later. Luckily, all of them were conscious enough to take a senzu bean. If it weren't for YN taking care of Battle Beast, this event could have ended differently.

Everybody was healed, and all three of the Saiyans received boosts in their power. Kakarot smirks, "Something tells me that these villains are not going to be as fun to take down."


Even though he was just healed, Mark hurried to Amber's house. He already knew that he had a lot of explaining to do. Once he made it to the door, he braced himself. Mark knocks on the door, a worried and somewhat annoyed Amber opens it.

"Mark Grayson, where the hell have you been?" Amber says. "Look, I know I've not been around as much. But I can explain," Mark started.

"Your explanation better be true, I don't want you lying to me," Amber warned. Mark took a moment before answering, "Okay, can I come in?" He asked. "Of course, come in."

The both of them went upstairs to Amber's room. Mark takes a seat on her bed and she does the same. "Okay, the truth is... I got into a fight. A fight with multiple people," Mark started. "Really, are you okay? You don't seem hurt."

"That's because I took a senzu bean, you've heard of that right?" Mark questioned. Amber nods her head. "Yes, but aren't they only used when people are close to death?" Her facial expression then changes.

Mark noticed and asked her what was the matter. "Amber, you okay?" The girl sighs, she gets off her bed, Mark doing the same. They were now face to face. " do know you don't have to keep secrets from me right?"

His face turns to one of confusion. "I-I don't know what you mean," he tells her. "I don't know your family all that well, but there is one thing that I know," Amber started. "Your brother, Kakarot, is THE Kakarot. As in the superhero."

"Amber, I can explain-" Mark says. The girl cuts him off, "No, let me finish," she says. "Kakarot, he's always with these two other heroes. Invulnerable and Invincible." Amber moved closer to Mark. "That would mean Invulnerable is your other brother, YN. And you, you're Invincible!"

Mark lays his hands over his face, "Yeah, that's me. I was going to tell you but I guess I wasn't ready for that conversation." He looks back at Amber assuming she would be mad. Instead, she had a curious expression on her face. "Mark, do you trust me?" She asked.

"Of course I trust you Amber," Mark says. Amber smirks, "Okay, I want you to tell me everything."

*YN's Point of View*

I was walking in the school halls with my brothers and William. "You know, it's been a while since we all got to hang out," Mark says. "Because all of you are kings of excuses. 'I've got to study.' 'I need to help my dad with work.' 'I'm infectious.' Blah, blah, blah." William says to them. Kakarot and I laugh it off.

"Well, there's no school on Friday. Let's catch a movie or something." Mark said. "I'd love to. But I can't, remember Rick?" William asked. "Yeah, the guy you couldn't stop talking about last summer?" Kakarot says.

"You make it sound like I was obsessed with him. Anyway, he's at Upstate U. I'm going for a tour on Friday. Staying over. They have a very handsome pre-med program. Did I say handsome? I meant 'world-class,' but also, handsome." William says.

Mark was looking at the poster of the university. "Can I come?" He says. "Why would you want to do that?" Kakarot asked. "Why not? It sounds like a cool experience. I'll bring Amber. How about you guys?" Mark says, looking at Kakarot and I.

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