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Upon returning home from Switzerland, Jane had a new mission to complete therapy in time for Christmas.

The stent removal surgery was scheduled for the 17th of January and Jane's goal was to be able to mostly walk on her own without help.

When she arrived at Boston General, she was there a day before they sent her to a physical rehabilitation facility since they were super impressed with her recovery.

Part of her recovery also included therapy for the trauma she had endured.

"So you're still struggling with some breathing and your frustrated by it?" Doctor Jimmy Patterson asked.

"Yeah, I only have issues with long distance or sudden sprints. I pretty much sit in a wheelchair when I go to any of my children's events." Jane sighed.

"You did go through a massive trauma. What has your new pulmonologist said?" "Not much. He's scared to butt heads with Doctor Yang or Burr-Montgomery. They keep telling him that I should be pushing myself and not hesitating to hold me back."

He crossed his leg and leaned back, "Were you annoyed about this in Switzerland?" "No. No, I was blind for weeks and had to be guided everywhere. We went as fast as I was going. Hell, Doctor Shepherd had me walking short distance four days after I woke up! I don't understand why everyone here doesn't want to see me succeed." Jane fought the urge to stand.

"Has your family been by to visit?" "Often, with the exception of my oldest who's down in Atlanta training with the U-22 team, everyone has been here at least a few days a week. My wife being here the most."

He closed his notebook, "Have you thought about getting a service dog? I can speak with your surgical team and get you the recommendation." "Thank you Doctor Patterson, but I think I can wait until Doctor Burr-Montgomery and Doctor Shepherd come in January." Jane gave a sad smile.

"Doctor Shepherd is coming in?" "Yeah, she wants to have an MRI done on my brain to see if the tumor has regrown."

"Ah. Here, how's this?" He went over to his desk and grabbed an empty notebook, "I want you to write down everything that frustrates you while you are recovering. When we meet next week, we can talk it over some more."

Jane took the journal, "Thanks Doc. See you next week." "See you next week Captain Rizzoli." The two shook hands before he helped her up.

Jane left the office and was met in the hall by the young intern who brought her. He helps her into the golf cart and drives down the hall to her section of the center.

When they arrived, he helped her off. "Thanks." She said. "Do you need help getting back into bed?" He asked. "Uh, no thanks, I'll be okay." She smiled. "Alright Captain, press your buzzer if you need anything." He waits until she is back in her room before driving off.

Jane groans, sitting in her chair. When she came to the center, she requested a comfortable recliner so she didn't have to be in bed all the time. The center disagreed at first, but after an hour long phone call from Cristina and JD changed that.

She set the journal on the small table that sat next to her bed and decided a little nap would do her some good.

She wasn't sure when or how long she had slept when she was woken by a gentle shake. She opened her eyes and found Nico. Nico was a PT resident at the center and was maybe 25.

"Hey Captain, it's time for therapy." He smiled. "I'm actually kinda tired Nico, can we skip today? I'll do two sessions tomorrow." Jane begged.

"As much as I'd like to, not only would your surgical team kill me, but your wife would probably call for my beheading." He chuckled, "Besides, we've got a fun session today."

Jane raised an eyebrow, "Really?" "Yep, I was told that you like baseball and we've got a batting cage here. We're gonna work on your range of motion a little bit more." He stands from his squatting position.

"Did Maura put you up to this?" "No Ma'am, I thought of it and had to get approval from here and your team before I could do this."

"Well come on, let's do it." Jane starts to stand but is stopped. "Hold on there bronco, I gotta do vitals first." He chuckled.

Jane sat back and grumbled. Once he was finished, they hopped into the golf cart and went to the cages.

Jane was buzzing with excitement. So much so that she almost had to be held down as they put the electrodes on her.

"Alright, I'm gonna be back here watching your heart rate and vitals just in case, but remember that these are gonna be pretty slow. You'll have time to recover after each swing." Nico said starting the machine.

"Okay." Jane smiles. She was definitely excited as this was by far the most fun she has had since she got here.

Everything was going well, until she had some chest pain. She just assumed it was adrenaline and didn't think much of it until everything went blurry.

Her heart was beating extremely fast and her chest tightened. The was some commotion as she decided to lie down and take a nap.

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