"I'm sorry"

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Jane crawled through the bushes, five members of her team behind her.

Jane held a fist up and everyone halted. She pointed to her right and two went to the right. Another two to the left and the last one stayed with Jane.

She walked slowly, before jumping out and rushing the house. The rest followed.

Using her police training, she kicked down the door.

They secured the room, but one began to ran.

Jane and fellow solider, Tyson Jackson, chased him down. Jane caught up with the man and went to tackle him, but he took a hold of her and held the gun to her head.

"Drop it!" Tyson yelled. Jane struggled to get out of the man's grasp.

"Just shoot him!" Jane screamed.

"I can't!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry. Tell them that." Jane said.

Then the gun shot echoed.

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