I miss you so much. I hate not hearing anything from you, but I understand.
Everyone's ok. Uncle Frankie, Uncle Tommy and Uncles Korsak and Frost say hi and stay safe.
Abree has been in charge while Mom's working with the victims. She's starting to get a little bit bitchy, but it is what it is.
Kate's doing good. She took first in the congregational hearing mock-debate.
Tony's starting to piss me off. He's good, but won't stop talking about the "Red Dawn" football camp he's in. I can't really do anything without hearing "Red Dawn" this or "Coach Michaels" that.
Anyways, I'm doing okay. I'm writing my first song. I don't know what to call it yet, but I'm thinking about calling it "Ledbetter". What do you think?
Lastly, Mom misses you a lot. She wears your shirts around the house and also "attempts" to sing to us.
We miss you. I love you,

Yellow Ledbetter
FanficFive years after Jane retained her memory, life had gotten back to normal. However, when terror strikes, and Jane is called back into the military...this turns into something unexpected. I don't own anything!