Brady's Letter

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I miss you so much. I hate not hearing anything from you, but I understand.

Everyone's ok. Uncle Frankie, Uncle Tommy and Uncles Korsak and Frost say hi and stay safe.

Abree has been in charge while Mom's working with the victims. She's starting to get a little bit bitchy, but it is what it is.

Kate's doing good. She took first in the congregational hearing mock-debate.

Tony's starting to piss me off. He's good, but won't stop talking about the "Red Dawn" football camp he's in. I can't really do anything without hearing "Red Dawn" this or "Coach Michaels" that.

Anyways, I'm doing okay. I'm writing my first song. I don't know what to call it yet, but I'm thinking about calling it "Ledbetter". What do you think?

Lastly, Mom misses you a lot. She wears your shirts around the house and also "attempts" to sing to us.

We miss you. I love you,


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