River Deep

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"I still don't understand why you dragged me all the way from New York for this when I'm a Cardio god, not a Nuero one." Doctor JD Burr-Montgomery asked as he sat next to Amelia after placing a heavily sedated Jane Rizzoli in the machine.

"You heard what those animals did to her and you were recommended by Doctor Yang." Amelia shrugged. "Yeah, but I operate in a children's hospital, on children, not adults...and don't pull the 'I saved your boss's life' card." JD crossed his arms.

"Look, if there is a tumor, I need someone who is one of the best to be there if things get hairy and her heart starts to crap out. Plus you owe me." "It was a small hematoma and Whitney could've pulled it out herself."

"Just shoosh! I need to focus." "I think it's impossible she has one." "Twenty bucks says she does." "Damnit Shepherd, I'm in." He chuckled as they shook on it.

The computers beeped, "They're in." The two sat up and looked as three images came in. "Ha! You owe me...holy hell." Amelia stopped as two things caught her eye.


"So it's a fairly large tumor, which is probably why she attacked you." Amelia finished explaining, showing the first scan. "And that," JD pointed to a spot on the second, "ia a-"

"Hole." Maura interrupted. "Yeah, I'm taking a guess that it's been slowly growing for years, but it's probably been there for years and the brutal beatings probably caused her heart to race way too fast and caused it to expand." JD sat down.

"Are you gonna do the Yang method to repair it?" Maura asked.

"Technically, it's the Yang-Burr Method, but I was a resident and the Heart Association people thought it would be better if her name was on it. Anyway, I'm gonna make an incision and place a mesh in the hole and let it sit for a few minutes while I prepare the stent, which is as thin as a sticky note. Once the stent is placed, it'll take no longer than three minutes for the mesh to connect to the stent and then I'll close her up. The mesh will slowly pull that hole back together to where it is almost gone then in about six months, I'll go back in and pull out the stent and the mesh will pull the hole closed for good." JD explained.

"What is the patient success rate amongst adults again? I've seen more studies on children." "You've some your homework. When Doctor Yang and I perfected it, we had 96 percent of adults aged 18 to 67 and a 98 percent of children from in utero to 17 successfully heal and survive."

Maura looked at the scans some more, "How soon would you need to operate?" "For the stent to be made correctly and the mesh to soften, 12 hours, but I'm thinking about putting Jane on an L-Vad to give her heart a rest..." JD began to fiddle.

"Now what?" Maura questioned, "What the hell aren't you telling me?"

"Maura, this surgery will take hours and well, we're a little bit worried that the stent might not accept or that the tumor will all come out. We've put her on the heart transplant list." JD said before looking at Amelia.

"We also think that you should get the rest of your family here...Maura what we're trying to say is-" Amelia was cut off. "Is that she may die on the table." Maura whispered.

"We do have one more option to give her a fightin' chance." JD looked at Maura, "My part requires two surgeons and with this being the worst I have ever seen, I made a call to one of the best hospitals and they are willing to take her in by tonight. We have a plane on standby and can get your family onto a private plane to be here by tomorrow night for her surgery."

"Where exactly would this hospital be?" "Switzerland." Amelia said, "Not only would you get a world class Neurosurgeon, you would also get the best two people to fix her heart."

"You're talking about..." "The founder of the procedure herself, Doctor Cristina Yang."

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