As It Was

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The air was warm as Jane walked up to the doors of the recruiting office. She knew that this was a major decision and knew it was a rash one if that, but it seemed right.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. "Hello there, how can I help?" A young Marine said standing. "I...uh...I wanna join."

Jane sighed as she tried to stand up. She was bored. She had been progressing extremely well. So well that JD and Rey were coming up a week early to possibly remove the stent in said time frame.

Though things were looking very good, Jane felt sluggish. She knew that physically she wasn't the same, but something felt off. She couldn't figure it out if she was off mentally or if it was something else.

Shuffling out to the backyard, she smiled when the sun hit her skin. She groaned sitting down in her chair as her body still slightly ached.

She checked her portable EKG machine, that she was slowly not needing anymore, and noticed that her heart rate was right where it should've been when she had gotten home.

She looked at the date on the machine and nearly gasped. Thirty years ago to the date was the day she walked into the recruitment office.

She had sent in the paperwork to retire just this morning that today was her retirement date, effective immediately.

"Shit." She muttered to herself, almost amused as she thought more about that day.

"And are you sure that this is a good idea? I'd have to have you speak with a psychiatrist before I can even schedule you for anything." The Marine said.

"I know what I've told you seems alarming, but I fucked up royally after my Pops died. I want to serve something greater than myself. I want my daughter to be proud of me from up above. So, send me to a shrink. I wanna do something with my life instead of sitting around, waiting for something."

The Marine smiled, "How does tomorrow at one sound?"

Jane shook her head at the memory, "I shoulda done therapy."

Yet, she knew deep down inside, she wouldn't have met Maura and raised four children together. A meeting that set her on the path of a lifetime.

A path that was needed.

Of course things weren't the same as it was then, but now, life was the way it should be.

This is just a shorter filler chapter for now, but I'm hoping for a longer chapter here soon!

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