Get Into It

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Jane's vision stayed the same into the next day. The children were made aware when they came to visit the next morning.

"Okay, so picture this, bottom of the ninth, two outs, two strikes, bases loaded..." Tony says, catching up his mother on the latest Red Sox game.

Jane smiled, not really sure where Tony was. Kate and Brady were next to their brother as Abree stood back by the door. She had been moved from critical care into a normal room 26 hours after waking up to make sure was breathing in her own without needing help.

"...And outta there! We win the pennant!" Tony raises his arms. "Bout damn time!" Jane laughs, reaching her hand out in the direction of her son's voice.

"I wish we didn't have to go back tomorrow." Kate took her Ma's hand.

"Well, you do have to go to school." "But Bree doesn't." "Because she graduated baby. She doesn't for another month."

"Actually, can I talk to Ma and Mom in private?" Abree asked. "Uh, why don't you three go get something to eat and bring me back one of the quinoa bowls." Maura gave Brady the money.

"Come guys." Brady said before the triplets left the room.

Once the door was shut, Abree took a deep breath, "I'm not going to college." "What!?" "Jane, hear her out."

"Thank you Mom...uh...I got an offer to play for the U-22 National Team and I'm gonna take the offer." Abree shuffled from foot to foot.

"Bree, come here." Jane says, holding her hand out. Abree went over and took her hand.

"I am so proud of you and to be fair I didn't go to college. However, I want for you to be safe and international travel scares me, but if you want to do this, I'm not gonna stop you. Just make sure to get us good seats." Jane chuckled.

Abree smiled before giving her mother a hug. "Knock knock, I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Amelia opened the door.

"Come on in Doctor Shepherd. My daughter here is gonna be a soccer star." Jane smiles. "Awesome!" Amelia high fighed Abree, "I'm just gonna check your vision and see where you are at."

"When are you gonna start having her do some physical therapy?" Maura asked. "Either this evening or tomorrow morning. I'll have her do some light exercises and probably have her walk from here to that chair next week." Amelia set the chart down.

"So you're saying I can do donuts in the east wing by Monday?" Jane followed the bright light. "Jane." Maura scolded.

"Don't worry Maura, I'll limit it to just this floor." Amelia chuckled, putting the light back in her coat pocket, "Follow my finger."

Jane squints, "I think I'm following it." "You're just a tad behind, but very good. How's your head feeling?" "Better thank you." "How's your body feeling?" "Pretty good, just a little tightness in my chest, but Doctor Yang says that's normal."

Amelia wrote down notes on the chart before moving a chair to Jane's eyesight, "I'm gonna have you start some light therapy today, but I'm still a tad worried about your vision. I'm gonna have an Ophthalmologist come by tomorrow morning and check on your vision."

"Do you think that this is temporary Doc?" Jane asked. "I'm hoping so, but in the meantime take it easy, PT is gonna be pretty painful." Amelia said.

"Thank you Doc." Jane smiles. "No problem. Rest up and good luck to you Abree." Amelia smirks, standing up.

This was just a filler while I work on the next one. I will apologize in advance for the inconstant updates as my schedule has gotten a little busy.

Update to come soon!

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