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Maura didn't tell anyone about the phone call. She left early in the morning, leaving a note saying she had a conference in Germany.

She had made sure that it was kept private the Jane had been released.

She arrived to the Navel Hospital and saw a Marine.

"Doctor Rizzoli-Isles? Major Costner, we spoke on the phone." He says shaking her hand.

"How is she?" Maura asked. "Frightened. Confused... She's very thin. She attacked a doctor, so she's in restraints and was sedated not to long ago." He said.

"She's probably suffering from PTSD... let me talk to her... please." Maura asked.

Major Costner sighed before leading Maura to a room.

Maura gasped at the sight of her wife. Jane looked awful. Her long, lanky limbs were covered with scars. Her bod, just skin and bones.

Slowly, Maura made her way to the bed. She took Jane's hand into her own.

"I know you can hear me, so listen. I missed you. The kids all miss you and love you so much. I love you. Please. Get better." She said.

Jane's eyes opened. She began to flail around and tried to attack Maura.

A couple of Doctors came back in and began to hold her down to sedate her. One pulled Maura back.

All Maura could do was watch as the love of her life was sedated, falling asleep, tortured only by nightmares of the last few years.

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