Roommate | 何者 section 2

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At Yumeya, I'm greeted by an awkward-looking man in his mid-30s. He wears a pair of round, thick-framed glasses and exposes a set of crooked yellow teeth when he says, "My name is Tamura. I'll be teaching you today," in a less than enthusiastic tone.

Before I can bow to him, he hands me a set of folded clothes.

"This is your uniform. Did Takahashi say anything about that hair of yours?"

I take the clothes as he moves his hands to his hips.

"She said it suits me," I answer.

He shakes his head and sighs. "Go get changed."

Well, I already know this is going to be a long day.

Tamura teaches me how to greet customers, take orders, work the cash register, take calls, bus tables, and serve food. I think I'm catching on pretty quickly, as I can take orders on my own by the end of the day. Despite this, Tamura keeps a furrowed brow and watches me with eyes that are just waiting for me to mess up. I bet this guy's hobby is ironing his button-up shirts alone at home while occasionally looking up at the news on TV to grumble about how stupid politicians are.

The lunch rush passes and the tables start to look emptier. Tamura introduces me to another staff member named Manami before he leaves for his break. She's a little on the chubby side with long, brown hair tied up in a bun. She looks closer to my age and has a super frank and laid-back aura to her that instantly changes to sweet and friendly whenever customers walk in. Being taught how to use the cash register by her is relaxing after the several hours I had just spent with someone who criticizes the way I hold a menu.

"Are you a student?" she asks in her husky voice.

"I'll be starting university tomorrow," I answer.

"Oh yeah? That must make you two years younger than me," she observes. "You said you recently moved to Tokyo, right? Where are you from?"

"Hokkaido," I answer.

"Oh, I dated a guy from Hokkaido before."

"Really? Which city?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Dunno. We broke up after three weeks, so I never really got to know him that well." She shrugs.

"Oh." I'm not sure if I should feel bad for asking.

Tamura returns from his break and tells me to serve one more table before I finish for the day. While waiting for the next group of customers to walk in, I stand behind the counter and take down a few notes on how to work the register. When the door chimes, I look up and become instantly distraught to see Shun standing a few feet in front of me. He's looking at his phone, unaware of my presence.

Instinctively, I crouch down, hiding myself behind the counter. I think frantically for any way out. Should I stay where I am and wait for someone else to notice him? Maybe I can fake a stomach ache and go home early.

"Takaya!" Tamura yells.

I turn my head to find he has emerged from the staff room and is beelining for my makeshift hiding spot with an unpleasant expression made worse by the magnifying effects of his goggle-like glasses. I swallow thickly when I realize I'm done for.

"What are you doing?! There's a customer waiting!" he scolds.

I slowly rise from the ground, my gaze reluctantly meeting Shun's eyes as they widen at the sight of me. He definitely wasn't expecting to see me here either.

"Hurry up!" Tamura commands.

I expose myself from the counter and approach Shun with the most neutral face I can manage.

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