Jealousy | 嫉妬 section 3 [NSFW]

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CONTENT WARNING: This section contains sexual content that may not be suitable for some readers.

"It's backward," Shun says flatly while he watches me tuck in the ends of my yukata belt in front of his room mirror.

"Does it really matter?" I frown, too lazy to redo it.

"Old people are going to yell at you if you go out like that," he says while he sits at the foot of his bed with an unimpressed look.

"Then I'll yell back at them," I joke.

He stands and reaches for my belt. As I watch his hands undoing the annoying folding work I spent ten minutes on, I catch the sweet scent of his shampoo.

"Oh, are we doing this already?" I chuckle, a little turned on when he drops the belt to the floor and opens the flaps of my yukata.

"You wish," he smirks, immediately re-dressing me.

"I thought we were going to skip the festival and go straight for the main event."

"Shut up," he titters while wrapping the belt around my waist tighter than I was able to myself.

While he folds it into place, I poke him in the side, making him jump. Laughing, I do it again as he tries and fails to hold the belt still.

"Stop it!" he groans with a face that gives away his amusement.

"I can't! My hands are moving on their own!" I tease as I tickle him.

I'm glad everything's back to normal. After Shun left with his friends last Sunday, I thought for sure he'd come home holding a grudge against me, but he never even mentioned Summer Solar. Maybe he wasn't as bothered by what happened as I thought he was.

Once he has finished with my belt, he begins to fight back. It takes us another several minutes before we're finally on our way out of his room, both of us with our hands on our stomachs to guard against the other's fingers. We're so focused on our game that we both jump at the sight of Kenji standing at the hallway entrance, still as a statue as he stares back at us.

My heart falls into my stomach and I go into full panic mode, stammering while my lips fumble for excuses. In the meantime, Kenji's face only grows more suspicious.

"I think I saw something I shouldn't have," he mumbles as he turns away from us.

"I-it's not what it looks like!" I frantically wave my hands in front of me. "Shun was just helping... I mean, we just happened to be going to the same festival today and I wanted to um..."

I can't think of anything. I'm already sweating while I turn to look at Shun. I'm confused when he faces away from me. I look back at Kenji to find him also avoiding looking at me.

"It's really nothing," I try again. "So please don't misunderstand."

"Makoto," Shun says softly.


"Sorry," he says, face still turned away. "He already knows."

I blink at him while his words slowly sink in.

"What?!" I shout.

Before I have the chance to register this new information, Kenji speaks in the most flustered manner I've ever heard him. "I won't tell you to stop doing what you're doing, but just don't bother the other guys, okay?"

"Okay." Shun nods obediently.

Kenji nods back before quietly entering his room and shutting the door.

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