Past | 過去 section 2

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On Sunday morning, I find the spot next to me empty and a sticky note on the nightstand next to my phone.

Didn't want to wake you.
I'm off to meet my model and hopefully finish my project.
I'll be home in time for dinner, so let's eat together.

I try not to feel too disappointed, knowing he'll be home earlier this time. I need to work on my essay anyway.

My computer has been sitting on Shun's desk since I brought it to his room to watch a movie last night. I open the document that has been untouched for two days. I stare at it for ten minutes, trying to decide my topic. I was probably paying the most attention during the Egyptian art unit, so maybe I should try to base it around that.

Growing frustrated from staring at the blank white screen, I finally push the laptop to the side and grab a piece of notebook paper sitting on Shun's desk. It'll probably help if I start by brainstorming ideas.

Scanning the desk surface, I don't find any pencils lying around, so I reach for the handle of the top drawer. It squeaks as it slides open, several pens rolling toward the front of it. As I reach for one, my eyes land on a familiar-looking ticket sitting underneath it. I realize it's from the movie we went to see together the night I asked Shun out. The fact that he's been keeping it makes me smile.

I place the ticket back in the drawer and am about to close it before one other peculiar object catches my eye. It's a half-used packet of small, light blue pills. I pick them up and flip them over to the aluminum foil side, looking for a name.

"Dilece," I read. Doesn't sound like any vitamin I've heard of.

Realizing I'm distracted again, I put the package back where I found it and return to the paper in front of me.

It takes me three hours to finally get two paragraphs written. With my stomach protesting in agony, I migrate toward the kitchen in search of food.

Just as I'm pouring tomato sauce over a plate of steaming pasta, Daiki and Junichi get home. We exchange quick hellos as they sit down at the table with bento lunches. When I take my seat across from them, Junichi eagerly shows me videos of skateboard tricks Daiki's trying to teach him. Intrigued, I end up watching MeTube with them for twenty minutes before realizing I'm procrastinating again. Reluctantly I get up to carry my dishes to the sink when Kenji walks in looking scruffier than usual in his glasses and sweats.

"Is it exam week for you, too?" I ask as I scrub my plate.

"Yep. I've become a hermit as a result," he nods as he reaches for the kettle.

"Me too," I laugh in agreement. "But I can only imagine how hard tests must be for a med student. Learning all the words and terminology doctors use must be like learning another language."

"It is," he confirms with a smile. "But it's pretty interesting stuff, so I don't get bored."

"Wow," I say in awe, placing my plate on the dish rack. "Do you have to memorize names of medicine, too?"

"Well, we learn the generic names," he says while pouring steaming water into a mug.

"Generic names?" I repeat, unsure of what that means. "Have you ever heard of a medicine called 'Dilece?'"

He shakes his head. "I don't think so. Why?"

"Oh, no reason."

"I can look it up." He pulls a huge smartphone out of the pocket of his sweatpants. I watch him curiously.

"Found it," he announces. "Flunitrazepam."

"Fluni-what?" I don't attempt.

"It enhances the neurotransmitter GABA," he adds.

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