Purity | 淳 section 3

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The day Shun and I picked out for our beach trip was supposed to be sunny, but as soon as we get off the bus, it starts pouring rain. We take cover under the roof of the poorly-kept bus stop. A huge, yellow and red spider sits on its web in a corner of the bench, so Shun and I choose to stand and watch the raindrops.

"There's nothing in the forecast about rain, so hopefully it'll pass quickly," Shun says as he checks his phone. "Why don't we try waiting it out for a bit?"

"Yeah," I answer before pulling out my own phone to check for other things to do in the area in case it doesn't clear up.

We are both quiet for a few minutes while I look through several different sites, all of them only pointing out the beach and a few cafes. I'm about to type a new search when Shun breaks the silence.


I look up from my phone to find him with an embarrassed smile.

"Can I ask you kind of a weird question?" he asks.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Remember that day in May when I brought you to the rooftop?"


"I've always been curious what you were thinking when you kissed me," he says mischievously.

"Uh," I stammer.

I didn't expect him to ask something so awkward out of the blue. I want to make an excuse for my behavior that day, but his innocent eyes won't let me lie.

"I-I guess it was because I was attracted to- No," I correct myself, realizing my answer might make me sound like a playboy. "I'm not entirely sure, to be honest."

Shun is silent for a moment as he stares at me. I'm too embarrassed to look back at him.

"Hmm." He taps his cheek with his index finger. "So you were already attracted to me then?"

"No! I mean, I guess I was, but that wasn't the only reason I did it," I try to defend myself. "Maybe I already liked you. I don't know."

He giggles.

"I guess I should thank these thighs of mine," he says, looking down.

I scoff, shaking my head and keeping my eyes on the water splashing against the pavement. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him leaning toward me.

"I'll tell you one of my secrets, too, if you want to hear it," he says in a low voice.

I flick my head back at him, my curiosity maxed out.

He places a hand next to his mouth and beckons me closer. I lean in toward him as he places his hand behind it, his mouth so close I can hear his breath. I anticipate words, but instead, he forcefully blows into my ear. I jump away, rubbing at my goosebumps.

"Just kidding," he laughs.

"You little!" I pretend to get upset and lightly bonk him on the head.

"I don't have any more secrets," he says after his laughter dies down. "I promise."

"No secrets, huh?" I smirk. "What about the things Chiaki and Karen talked about? You followed me to the café in Kagurazaka, right? How could you have already had a crush on me then?"

The embarrassed look on his face makes me feel triumphant. This time I have him cornered.

"That was," he starts. "I didn't like you then. I was just interested in you. That's all."

"Is that so?" I say doubtfully. "Following someone around sure is a lot of effort to put in for someone you're only 'interested' in."

"We were just playing around," he pouts. "We wouldn't have gone there if we weren't already in the area."

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