Love | 恋愛 section 6 [NSFW]

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CONTENT WARNING: This section contains sexual content that may not be suitable for some readers.

I get up a little past 6 am to get ready for the three-hour train ride to the beach. Still in Shun's room, I try to slip out of his bed without disturbing his sleep and tiptoe back to my room. Within a few minutes, I get dressed in a T-shirt and swim trunks, pack a beach towel, and leave the house wearing sandals. Despite how early it is, the sky is already full of daylight and the air is warm and muggy.

Koki and Reiya are already at Tokyo Station when I arrive. After waiting for Takeru who almost slept in, we just barely make it to our train on time. With only a few seats available, Koki and I end up sitting separately from Takeru and Reiya.

Before I know it, the gentle movement of the train puts me to sleep. I wake when the man in the window seat next to me taps my shoulder so he can get off. A bit dazed from my nap, I check the time on my phone. It's 8:20. I slept for almost an hour.

I peer over the top of the seat in front of me and see Koki sitting with Reiya and Takeru now, the three of them laughing together.

My leg muscles tighten as I'm about to join them, but then I remember I still haven't messaged Shun yet. I probably won't be able to talk much today with the guys around, so I should do it now while I have the chance.

Happy birthday Shun🎂🎉
What r u gonna do with ur friends today?

I slip my phone into my pocket and jump out of my seat, grinning as I join the group.

"Hey!" Koki calls out when he notices me. "Look, guys! Sleeping Beauty's back!"

"Did you have a nice nap?" Reiya says as Koki scoots over for me.

"I slept through most of the train ride, didn't I?" I laugh, taking a seat.

"Yep. We should be at Onjuku in about twenty minutes," Takeru answers as he checks his digital wristwatch.

While we're discussing where to get breakfast, I feel the vibration of what I assume is Shun's reply. Out of curiosity, I take a quick peek at just the notification without opening the chat.

Shun: My friends werent available so...


I give in and open the chat, keeping my phone close to my face so none of the guys will be able to see the screen.

Thank you!
My friends werent available so we're planning to meet up some other time. Im just gonna have some relax time at home after classes 😊
Are you at the beach now? 🏖

My heart sinks.

His friends aren't available? They couldn't make time for him? Not even the close friends he mentioned before? They must not be very good frie—

My thoughts come to a sudden halt as my eyes put the text and cheery emoticons out of focus.

If they're not good friends, then what does that make me? I could have canceled my plans today if I really wanted to. I could have chosen to spend today with him, but I didn't. What right do I have to say his friends aren't any good?

"Makoto," Takeru catches my attention.

I quickly tuck my phone into the pocket of my trunks and look up at his concerned face.

"What's up? You look like you just saw a ghost," he observes.

"Um," I utter.

The three of them are waiting for my explanation quietly while the train begins to slow down, a platform coming into view from the window next to us.

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