Chapter 1: The Great Something

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I would argue that every person on Earth has a moment they can pinpoint in their lives as The Great Something.

The Great Something refers to some pivotal event in a person's life that changed the course of their existence from that point on. The Something itself doesn't have to be great. It often isn't. The Something could be heartbreaking, devastating, astonishing, exciting; the list could go on and on.

All that matters is that the Something is life-altering.

The Great Something has to be so memorable that you instinctively know from the second it happens, that who you are from that event on will be irrevocably redesigned, whether it be for better or worse.

Standing exactly as I was in our bedroom, I knew that this was about to be my Great Something.

"I don't think I can do this anymore."

My stomach clenched. Nervous pin pricks exploded across every inch of my body, feeling like my limbs were quite literally vibrating with electricity.

"What do you mean?"

Daniel sat on the edge of our bed, hands folded into one another, and let out a shaky breath. "I think we need a break from each other."

My heart dropped to the floor, lying in wait and fear of being stomped on until it was black and blue with scars all over.

"What, like Ross and Rachel?" Humor—a universal defense mechanism that I was well acquainted with and hoped dearly that he would respond to.

He didn't laugh, though. He didn't even smile.

"I'm going to stay with a friend tonight, and then I'm going to California tomorrow for a week."

"What?" Shock twisted my stomach into uncomfortable angles. "When did that happen?"

I watched him, my feet growing numb the longer I stood in the same spot, as he went over to our closet and pulled out a suitcase. "I booked it a few weeks ago." Weeks? "There are some dance classes and workshops I've wanted to take there for a while." Daniel tossed the pillow that was homed on his side of the bed and had been since we moved in together on top of his suitcase.

"Are you going by yourself?"

Daniel paused for just the slightest of moments, and everything inside of me collapsed within that silent beat.

"No, I'm going with Colin." Relief swept in swift and hard, surprising me by how worried I'd actually been that he might be going on this trip with other intentions and companions in mind.

Daniel wasn't perfect by a longshot, and over the last year or so of our relationship, he'd developed some less than pleasant qualities to be around. He might've been arrogant, and a bit self-absorbed at times, but he would never be unfaithful. That was a promise he had made to me five years ago and a promise I would always trust him to keep, no matter how rocky things got between us.

"Okay," I breathed. Thoughts barreled through my brain at a mile a minute, each one jumping over the next to try and make sense of what was happening. "That's-that's good, actually. Yeah. This will be good for us. Every couple needs some space every now and then to miss each other and to remember how much they love each other so this... this will be really good."

Daniel looked anywhere but at me, his bright eyes telling of thoughts his lips were too weak to speak.


His silence combined with his hardened expression brewed up an uneasy terror inside of me, one that churned my stomach in vicious knots.

"I don't think you get it..."

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now