Chapter 3: Encounters in the Dark

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Around 2am, I gave up on sleep for the night.

Over the last few months, sleep hadn't been the easiest thing to come by and tonight was no exception. The unfamiliar creaks coming from the walls in my new bedroom and the all-too-familiar anxiety nightmares I couldn't seem to escape made sure of that.

Kicking the covers off of my feet in frustration, I made my way out of bed and towards the door. Maybe a glass of water would help ease sleep in.

I held my hands out in front of me, blindly searching down the dark hallway that I was pretty sure would lead me to the kitchen. If anyone were to flash the light of the house on at that moment, I would look like one of those mimes pretending they were stuck in a box. Hands out, feet wide set, and face overly animated with caution.

Any one of my next steps could be straight into a wall.

Thankfully, the soft glow of the microwave clock illuminated the rest of my path, and I safely found my way into the kitchen without any close calls with the walls. Unsure of where the light switches were, I relied solely on the glare from the microwave clock to guide my way through the darkness all around me.

My eyes found the outline of cupboards just in front of me, and on wary feet, I walked towards them and opened the first cupboard cabinet on the right side.

Bowls. Plates. Is that the green M&M mug I got her for her birthday last year?

Appraising the items in the cupboard, my eyes rose all the way up until I finally spotted the cups.

On the very top shelf.

"Can nothing be easy in my life anymore?" I mumbled beneath my breath and heaved out a weighted sigh.

With determination and dehydration pumping through my body, I lifted myself up onto my tiptoes, nearly to the level of being in full pointe. My arm stretched out above me until I could feel the stretch in my bicep from reaching so high. My fingers elongated as much as possible until smooth plastic brushed past my fingertips.

So close...

The cup I had locked in my dimly lit sights teetered as I tipped it with my finger, inching it closer to the edge of the top shelf. A small smile twisted up the side of my mouth as the bottom half of the cup edged over the lip and went to fall straight into my awaiting hand.

"Need some help?"

A shriek ripped up through my body and out of my mouth, piercing the otherwise silent night. The shock of the unfamiliar voice traveled up through my arm and into my fingers as they fumbled with the cup falling into my hand, scrambling to grab it.

But it was too late.

Every muscle in my body clenched up with anticipation as my ears awaited the imminent clank of the cup hitting the floor.

My eyes caught a dark figure lurch forward in the barely lit kitchen, and what followed next...

Was silence.

No crashing of plastic meeting the hard-tiled floor. No yelling from Mel as to what the hell that noise was. Not a single sound was heard apart from my panicked breathing as the figure that had appeared out of freaking nowhere righted themselves in front of me.

They held something out to me in the near darkness, and I had to blink a few times to see that it was my fallen cup.

"Slippery little sucker, huh?"

The rich velvet that his voice was made up of zapped any rational thoughts from my brain. In the poor lighting that outlined his silhouette, all I could make out was his towering size and the straight bridge of his nose. With my mind split between taking in how broad his shoulders were and how curiously the deep notes in his voice burrowed themselves in between my ears, I ended up blurting out the first thing that came through my unfiltered mind.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now