Chapter 11: Toeing the Line

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An hour and six shots divided unevenly between Mel and I later, Jordan finally arrived.

"Babe! Hey! Oh my god, hi."

Mel's words slurred as she threw herself at Jordan when he found his way through the crowd to where we were on the dance floor. Jordan's eyes bulged as he caught Mel against his chest before looking at me.

"How much has she had to drink?"

"Since we've been here? Two drinks and four shots of rum. Before we got here? A quarter bottle of gin."

"How much have you had?"

"About half that."

"Hey!" Mel exclaimed, tearing herself from Ethan's hold. "I'm callin' out of work tomorrow so you guys can't judge me for whatever I do tonight. I'll start being responsible again tomorrow. Deal with it."

"Ah, Jeff would be so proud of his shining star right now," Jordan said with a soft grin.

Mel scoffed. "Jeff can screw right the fuck off."

"Who's Jeff?" I asked.

"Some dickhole who can't be bothered to do any of the work himself and keeps shoving his cases onto me and expects me to be two feet up his ass at all times."

Confused still, I turned my gaze to Jordan for clarification.

"Her boss."

"Ah." The missing puzzle pieces from my earlier question to Mel of why her day was so bad fell into place.

"So, am I to assume that I drove all the way out here to bring you two ladies home and neither of you are ready to go yet?"

"Guilty as charged, sir. You'll have to take me by force." She gave Jordan a not-so-subtle wink, and right then and there, I developed a craving for another shot.

I hated feeling like the third wheel.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go get another drink actually—"

"Wait! Can you stay here and keep Jordan company while I go pee? Then when I come back, we can get a drink together!"

Not only did I think Mel didn't need another drink by the way her eyes were glazing over, but I also really didn't want to be left alone with Jordan again. Every time he and I were alone, the conversation turned uncomfortable somehow and the spotlight always got forced onto me.

Like right now.

"Uh—" I stuttered, half distracted by the music that had just gotten noticeably louder and my sister's impatient gaze. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you to the bathroom?"

"What? No, I'm fine." Mel waved me off. "Just stay here and I'll be back in five!"

Before I could protest further, she was walking away from us both, shoving her way through the dancing bodies until she disappeared entirely. Her absence was felt immediately in the way every nerve in my body heightened and twisted to an uneasy point. All of my awareness was now on Jordan and the silence between us that somehow overpowered the music around us.

Lifting my gaze to his, I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Do you want a shot?"

His eyebrows rose some, neither judgement nor agreement displayed in the gesture. "Is being alone with me that bad?"

"What? Oh my god, no!" Yes. "I just felt like another shot is all and was trying to be polite..."

Jordan's gaze was so focused on mine, and I wanted to look away but didn't feel like I could. The small but effective curve on his lips didn't help my nerves either.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now