Chapter 10: The Proposal Story

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I didn't get many days at home by myself during the week, so today was a pleasant exception that I'd been taking full advantage of. That was until my sister threw open the front door and gave me a clear and regrettable indicator of how the rest of my day was about to go.

"Why do people have to be such colossal dumbasses all the time?"

I stopped cutting my apple—carefully—and gave all of my attention to my sister who was now leaned up against the front door, eyes closed.

"Rough day at work?"

She didn't answer me right away. Mel stayed against the door, breathing to calm herself with a briefcase still gripped in her hand. After a few moments, her brightly shaded brown eyes found mine across the room.

"I need a drink."

"Say no more." I got to work making Mel a drink, using it as an opportunity to practice my skills even on my day off. Too much practice was never a bad thing.

Seconds after putting the finishing touches on her Gin and Tonic, the glass was being pulled out of my hand and right up to Mel's mouth.

I watched her, slightly worried but mostly impressed, as the drink went from full to empty in less time than it took to make the darn thing.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

The glass clanked on the counter as she set it down, shaking her head. "No. I just wanna get stupid drunk and forget today ever happened. Get dressed and be ready in an hour. We're going out."

Protest swelled within my chest, hoping this would be easy to get out of.

"I really don't feel like going out tonight, Mel."

"Oh, come on, you need a night like this just as much as I do, if not more." She lifted the bottle of gin up, with the cap already unscrewed, and tipped it back against her lips.

"I was gonna make some calls and workout and try to go to bed early. You know, be a responsible adult?" Unlike you currently.

Mel set the bottle back down after taking her swig, her face bunching up as she forced the alcohol down.

"Being responsible is boring. Be fun with me for just one night, okay?"

"But I have—"

"You really don't get a choice in the matter. You're coming with me if you're dressed to go or not. So, make your calls. Do whatever you have to do, but be ready to leave in an hour." And then she left to her room, the bottle of gin tucked under her arm as she went.

Great. I really didn't want to go out tonight, let alone go along with whatever drunken escapade Mel had in mind. But with Mel, I knew if she demanded you do something, you always ended up doing it.

Every fiber of my being regretted tonight already as I dragged myself into my bedroom and reluctantly pieced together an outfit to wear. I wanted to stay home in my comfy sweatpants, and I really didn't want to put a bra on. Days off were braless days and glorious for that reason alone.

Still, I did as Mel wanted and forced myself to put on a thin layer of make-up, brush my hair out and eventually, put on a stupid freaking bra.

I was ready to go in less than half an hour and ended up with a bit of free time on my hands while I waited for Mel to finish getting ready. During that time, I bit the bullet and called that dance studio I'd passed—AIM—and signed up for one of their classes. My body was beginning to cave in on my resilience to stay away from dance, and each day it was more obvious than the last. Every day I wasn't dancing, I wasn't being true to myself, and I knew that deep down past my dwindling loyalty to my studio in New York.

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