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Chapter 54: Rewrite the Stars


Frantic nerves crawled up and down my legs as I rushed around my room, dressing for my date with Jordan. He was supposed to get here at 7pm.

Both my hair and makeup were done, but I'd yet to pick the perfect outfit.

My floor had gone from carpet to piles of discarded clothes over the last hour. The chilly weather outside was putting a major damper on the mix of cute and sexy I was trying to go for to impress Jordan.

In all of our interactions together, I'd never been in the position to dress up for him or to specifically entice him. It had never been my place until tonight to look good for Jordan, and I absolutely could not and would not disappoint.

All I was set on so far was a light grey, wool dress that ended mid-thigh and was snug to every curve. It was warm but sexy, and if I paired it with the black, knee-high boots I was currently tearing through my closet looking for, it could actually be the outfit.

"Aha!" With a victorious yank, I plucked the missing boot out of my mess of a closet.

That very same second, there was a knock at my front door.

Horror snapped my head up, butterflies springing to life in my stomach.

"Oh no. Oh no no no." Scrambling up to my feet, I launched myself towards my phone laying on my bed. "Are you early? Why are you early?" I whined to myself.


"Shit! I'm late? Oh my God, I'm never late."

Throwing my phone back on the bed, I bolted to the full-length mirror hanging on the back of my bathroom door to give myself a once over.

My fingers pinched at the bottom of the dress to pull it back down into place. Any artificial blush I'd added to my cheeks was now upstaged by the all-natural flush beneath my cheeks. Not quite the look I was going for, but I had negative time to fix it.

I left behind my frazzled reflection and rushed on bare feet towards the front door. I'd been waiting and agonizing and dreaming of this moment for over a year, and finally, it was here, and I didn't leave even a spare second to center myself before throwing open the door to my hopeful future.

"Hi!" My winded greeting pulled up the eyes of the well-dressed man standing in the hallway with a bouquet of flowers. His stare touched mine, and that was all it took for the butterflies in my heart to break out in song and dance.

Just one look from him, and I was practically vibrating.

Contrary to my obvious excitement, Ethan hardly reacted at all. His gaze was hard and steady and utterly overwhelming in a way only Jordan could accomplish with just a look.

The only visible reaction he gave was as his eyes dropped low, giving my half-done outfit a lingering once over, and his nostrils flared.

"I've just gotta grab my coat and put my boots on. Do you want to come in?"

Jordan's eyes jumped back up to me, my heart stuttering on their arrival. They were so... intense, the air in my lungs abiding by his severity and shriveling up.

"Sure," he agreed, deep and heavy.

I moved to the side to let him in, noticing how he hugged the opposing side of the doorway. Confusion blossomed a frown down my lips, but I tried my best to shake it off and woo him out of whatever dark mood he'd arrived in.

Closing the door behind me, I spun to see Ethan strolling on slow feet through my living room. It struck me as surreal seeing him here after dreaming of it so many times.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now