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Chapter 18: The Lake

"What is this place?"

The drivers side door slammed shut, and seconds later Jordan came around to the front of his car where I was. Together, we looked out at the flat line of water that stretched out across the lake you'd never know was here if you didn't have any prior knowledge of it.

"I used to come here a lot with my dad when I was a kid. We'd fish and sometimes my mom and sister would come along and we would all camp out and have a picnic right down by the shoreline."

I looked over to him, the sun spotlighting the memories in his eyes as well as the short beginnings of stubble dressing his jawline I'd not noticed until now. Was he growing out that beard he mentioned a while back? If so, Mel would definitely make him shave it when she got back from her trip.

In the meantime though, I'd enjoy the rugged look of it in secret.

"When was the last time you were out here?"

Jordan crossed his arms across his chest just as the wind picked up and tousled his hair. "Few years."

"How long's a few?"

A small twist of a smile showed on Jordan's mouth as he turned his gaze over to me. "Someone's inquisitive today."

Oh my God. He's right. "Sorry."

Amusement blossomed across his face. "Why?"

"Um, because... I don't want to cross any lines or anything by asking too much."

Just like that—like there was an on and off switch behind his eyes—all amusement went dark and Jordan's stare turned grim. A chill passed through me despite the sun beating down on my skin, and I felt the hairs on my arms rise as Jordan spoke.

"We've definitely got to be careful of those lines."

His words hit like one of those familiar bricks in my stomach, and I felt almost nauseous. Did this mean he knew about my crush on him? Is that what he meant about being careful about crossing lines? Was this his polite way of turning me down?

I wanted to leave. I wanted to throw up, get in the car, and drive away until Jordan was a speck in the rearview window. He was either referring to my being too inquisitive about his past or my crush on him, and either option sucked and left me totally and unbearably humiliated.

"Um, do you want me to stay in the car while you take your photos? That's probably best so I don't get in the way, right?" Without giving him room to answer, I'd already begun a beeline back to my side of the car.

"Wait—" Warm fingers clamped around my arm, stopping and spinning my body back in the direction I was trying to run from. My heart jumped up my throat, choking my next breath back as I spun right into Jordan and his awaiting stare. "You think I brought you out here so that you could sit in the car?" He let out a soft, breath of a laugh that fanned across my face. The smell of his sweet breath melted into my pores and immediately, I craved more of it. "So get out there and strike a pose, muse."

Shock dropped my jaw open. "What?"

"Yup." Jordan backed away with a lazy smile pulling his lips. "Every photographer needs a muse. Today, that's you."

"But I'm not a model," I fought.

"You are today."

"But I barely have any make-up on! Plus, jeggings and a tank-top aren't exactly model clothing."

"They're perfect."

Sunlight touched his eyes, brightening the already stunning gleam glossing over them as he looked at me. He drug his stare across my face and everywhere it touched felt like a sweet caress. Bringing those eyes back to mine, the light in them expanded into something too beautiful for words.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now