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Chapter 19: Just Put Your Lips Together

The entire next day, I avoided Jordan like he was a broken ankle before a big dance competition. I worked, danced, and worked some more.

It's crazy the kind of energy avoiding your problems can give you.

My date with Peter was tonight, and I took the whole day off to get ready both mentally and physically. This was my first date in over five years, so to say that I was a little on edge was a massive understatement.

Throw in the fact that I was actively avoiding my sister's fiancé to forget that I almost kissed him two days ago, and a little on edge became hanging by my fingertips off of that ledge.

Jordan hadn't tried to contact me or catch me in the house either. I heard the front door open and close early this morning, so hopefully he'd be out most of the day in his quest to push off the inevitable awkwardness between us, and that was fine by me.

Unfortunately,only a half an hour after starting my day with my cereal bowl in one hand and the T.V. remote in the other, the very man I was hoping not to see the rest of the week came through the front door.

His eyes barely met mine as he closed and locked the door, jumping from mine to the ground so fast, I wasn't positive I didn't imagine it.

"Morning," I muttered.

Jordan replied the same and dropped his gym bag on the floor, heading off to the kitchen with a protein shaker in hand. I tried not to look, but he made it so damn hard not to steal a glance of his sweat glistened muscles as he walked by.

This freaking guy was going to fluster me into a heart attack before I ever made it to my date tonight. And I hated myself every second more for it.

Jordan might have been swept up in the emotional vulnerability of the moment, but what was my excuse? He didn't mean to almost kiss me and certainly wasn't thinking about kissing me right now like I was him.

Maybe he felt guilty or embarrassed for putting me in that position. Though, I'm not sure how guilty he'd feel if he knew just how much I loved every second of it. My crush on Jordan was damnable, but today was the day I started getting over him.

Jordan would just have to forgive himself for his understandable moment of weakness and move on with me.

The noise of him moving through the kitchen and intentionally not talking to me was more than deafening, so I clicked on the T.V. for a break from it all.

Black and white, old timey pictures expanded across the screen, and I settled back into the couch with my cereal. The moment was peaceful for all of two seconds before Jordan's voice broke through.

"What're you watching?"

"Uh—" His accusatory tone threw me completely. "I don't know? It was in the DVD player."

His bulleted focus on the T.V. did not waver. "I was watching that last night. You don't have to keep it on."

"What movie is it?"

His chest rose and fell as he breathed deeply.

"One of my favorites called To Have and Have Not. Really, it's boring. You can turn it off."

"How can it be boring if it's one of your favorites?" Turning my gaze to the screen, I shoved a bit of cereal in my mouth and watched the people in the movie.

"What's it about?"

"Nothing you'd be interested in."

Wow, he was in a mood.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now