Chapter 15: Bad Memories

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Today marked the first day without Mel.

I'd been smart and got myself out of the house first thing in the morning to avoid any unanticipated run-ins with Jordan. Every interaction between us lately seemed to ramp up the inappropriate attraction I felt towards him whether it be by a disarming glance he gave me or one of his many frank remarks that always turned me on my head.

Everything about him flustered me, including and mostly the unavoidable fact that he was my sister's. She saw him first and that was that.

Over time, my attraction to him would lessen and I'd come to love him as my brother-in-law as I should, but for now? For now, I needed distractions.

That morning, I went to AIM Dance and took their ten o'clock Advanced Ballet and their noon Intermediate Contemporary dance class. The first class was for a proper brush up while the second was just for a little bit of fun. After that, I went shopping to pick up a few things—batteries included—before making the unfortunate trip home earlier than I wanted to. I'd simply run out of reasons to be out of the house.

Arriving home and walking up the steps to the front door, I stopped at the sound of loud voices on the other side of the door, all male and all shouting. Was Jordan throwing a party in the middle of the day? He had the day off, so why wouldn't he throw a party with the misses out of town?

In my head, I toyed with the idea of getting back in my car and going into work five hours early. I'm almost positive Patrick would say I could use the practice. Just as the thought grew more enticing, a boisterous cheer came from inside and my curiosity won me over.

Pushing the door open, my attention went right over to the couch where Jordan sat with two other men. Jordan's eyes jumped to mine as did the two other pairs of eyes in the room. The beers in their hand and the jerseys on their backs clued me into what they were all doing here in the middle of the day, screaming at the T.V. Football.

Do not roll your eyes. Don't do it.

"Hey, you're home," Jordan greeted, standing from his spot on the couch.

"Yeah." I walked into the living room, hanging my purse on the back of one of the chairs against the bartop. I nodded my head towards the T.V. "I didn't know you were a football fan."

Jordan's grin turned lop-sided and bashful as he walked towards me. "I grew up watching the game with my dad, so it's sort of in my blood to love the game."

"I feel like it's in most men's blood to love some sport that requires shouting at their T.V.'s."

"Hey, asshole, are you gonna hog her all to yourself or are you planning to introduce us?" The voice that came from behind Jordan put a smile on my lips and a grimace on Jordan's.

Laughter bubbled in my chest as Jordan breathed out a sharp sigh and rolled his eyes as he turned to his friends still on the couch.

"This is Mel's sister, Amber. Amber, this is Peter." Jordan referred to the man wearing blue jeans, glasses, and a kind smile directed right at me. "And this dumbass is Julian. He's not important." He gestured to the second man on the couch, and just before Jordan turned his shoulders over my sight of his friend, I saw Julian's jaw drop and his eyes color with offense.

"How about you let Amber decide that for herself?"

Annoyance wrote itself in vividly in the lines on Jordan's face as Julian appeared behind him, clapping a hand on his shoulder with enough force to make me wince.

Julian was wearing the kind of smile that made me feel queasy in my stomach, but I tried to ignore the feeling as he looked right at me. "Don't believe anything this guy says. He's full of lies. Why do you think he wants to be a lawyer?"

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