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Chapter 25: Double Date Night

Living by yourself had its perks, but also some major downfalls.

I spent most of my Sunday morning lying beneath my shower's faucet, getting dripped on over and over again. I'd never fixed a leaky faucet before in my life, and as I'd already found out, the maintenance team in charge of these apartment buildings didn't work weekends.

I was pretty much on my own as far as fixing this place up. Peter had been over twice to help with things here and there, but even for how cute he was, he was about as hopeless with a toolbox as I was.

I was face up, staring down the pitch black hole of my leaky shower faucet when a buzzing started up. Groaning, I heaved myself up off the floor of my tiny walk-in shower, and sat up to grab my phone off of the sink.


Mel's voice came through rushed and antsy. "What're you doing tonight?"

"Uh, hanging out with Peter I think. Why?"

An audible sigh of relief came through the phone. "Thank God. Okay, you guys are coming over tonight."

"What? No. Why?"

"Because both Jordan and I have off and we don't have any plans which means we're probably going to stay in and if we stay in this house together—alone—for an entire night, one or both of us will end up dead."

Moving myself off of the bathroom floor, I stood up in front of the wide bathroom mirror. "Why do you say that?"

"Do you remember how he was the day we helped you move in?"

Uh no. "Yeah?"

"He's even worse now. Some days we barely talk and others, we're at each other's throats. I seriously think I might kill him."

I watched my face fall in the mirror.

"It's that bad?"

"Amber, I don't know what the hell happened between the time I left for my trip and now, but he's a fucking nightmare. No, you know what he's like? He's like a goddamn teenager going through puberty, mood swings and everything. I don't—" She paused and a weighted sigh blew out from her end. "I don't know what happened or how to fix it."

In the mirror, my eyes lowered to close shut. I couldn't even look myself in the eye without feeling the need to cry or scream until my vocal cords burst.

How could I have let it get this bad? I thought moving out would have fixed everything, but I never imagined Jordan would take me removing myself from the situation so badly.

Truthfully, I thought he'd be happy to get me out of his everyday life once he realized how toxic I was for it.

"Have you tried asking him what's wrong?"

"He just keeps saying he's stressed. Then I ask him what he's stressed about and he says work, but I know that's a lie because we work in the same fucking building." On her end, I could hear clicks of a keyboard and wondered if she was working from home on her day off.

"All I know is that he's stressed and because he's stressed, he's turned into this demon that can't even be bothered to have a normal conversation with me or even touch me."

The air in my lungs caught mid-inhale. "Touch you?"

A mangled breath followed through the phone line. "Yeah, we haven't had sex since I got back, and I'm about this close from just tying him down to the bed."

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now