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Chapter 32: Admitting Defeat Never Felt So Good

I kissed Jordan with a freedom I never thought we ever would.

His lips unraveled the worries, the shame, and the will to ever stop. Never had I thought admitting defeat could feel so good, but every pull of Jordan's mouth with mine proved me wrong.

He kissed me and kissed me and I never wanted him to stop, not even to breathe.

We had each other now, and there was nothing in the room powerful enough to make us surrender our hold on this moment. We were nothing but skin, and sighs, and dreams come true.

I gave myself to every little moment Jordan created between us, memorizing each of them as they came and went. Both of his hands wrapped the sides of my face almost completely, his deep, uneven breathing fanning across my face as he drank every bit of me. His lips moved with mine, greedy and with his whole heart crafting each one of his kisses.

The feeling of his tongue sliding my swollen lips apart was almost too much, unable to stop myself from crying out as I tasted my personal Heaven once again.

He was too perfect, and I was on a sensory overload of Jordan. His taste, his touch, his scent were all too intoxicating, and I was embarrassed to admit that I was barely keeping up. Thankfully, Jordan smoothed his mouth down my chin to pepper in hungry kisses across my jawline.

"You're perfect, you know that right?" he whispered when he got to my ear. "You know how I know you're perfect?"


His name was a plea from my lips, begging him to stop with his nonsense before he spilled the tears that were quickly welling behind my eyes. I tried to blink them away as fast as I could when Jordan pulled himself right in front of me, effectively drowning me beneath the waves of endearment roaring in his stare.

"I know because every time I see you, every time I touch you... everything makes sense again." His thumb stroked down the edge of my face sweetly, as sweet as the look in his eyes directed right at me. "Nothing's confusing. My world isn't spinning anymore. It has a center and a bright light to focus on... and how can someone who brightens the whole world not be perfect?"

My heart was overflowing with a feeling I was too frightened to name, and that feeling grew stronger and more imposing the longer Jordan dared to look at me like he'd never been closer to perfection in his life.

Unable to take anymore, I dragged his lips back down to mine.

It was an irrevocable fact that our passions owned us, shackles and all, and the realization that I never had a chance at winning this fight came as swiftly as the acceptance of it. Jordan and I were on this unstoppable ride together, hearts clasped as we rode our way down to hell.

Tugging his body tighter to mine, a whimper of need fell from my lips as his erection pressed unashamedly against my stomach. If possible, I clawed myself closer to him, digging my nails into his back in any desperate attempt to tell Jordan how badly I needed him.

A warning rumbled in his chest and in a punishing display, he tore his lips away from mine. My eyes batted open and up to his, worried and sorry if I'd hurt him at all. Though, staring down at me was nothing to be sorry or worried for.

Even though his noise sounded threatening, the show in his eyes was nothing short of aroused—and promising.

"I know what you want, Slim."

Big hands grasped my thighs and lifted my body, securing my legs around his waist in a movement so brisk, I barely registered it until I was sitting at eye level with Jordan, his excitement pressing right against my pelvis.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now