Chapter 12: An Unexpected Visitor

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The next two days I didn't see much of either Mel or Jordan. Between training, working, and sleeping, there wasn't any time left in the day to socialize. Sunday was my day off and working until 3am the night before meant I slept in until far past my usual rising time.

It was past 10:30 before my lazy butt crawled out of bed.

Since it was Sunday, I assumed that both Mel and Jordan were still home as this was the one day in the week Mel consistently had the morning off in the three weeks I'd lived here. After I brushed my teeth, pulled on a pair of yoga shorts, and finished my morning stretches, I made my way out into the living room ready to give all of my focus to Mel and avoid all eye contact with Jordan.

We hadn't spoken since the night of the club and that included me ignoring a text message he'd sent to me the next day asking to talk.

I didn't want to talk about it. All I wanted to do was chalk it up to a newly single experience and move on.

Yet, as I rounded the corner into the living room, my eyes found only one person at home this Sunday morning and it was unfortunately and not surprisingly, not the one I was hoping for.

Jordan was standing in the living room, leaning against the countertop, watching the spoon in his coffee as he moved it around languidly. The moment I came into sight, he lifted his face in my direction and my gut pulled my eyes down to the floor.

Not only did I hate confrontation, but I also wasn't any good at it. I usually floundered for a few minutes, spouting out random words until I found a combination of them that fit for what I was trying to say.

I went into the kitchen without saying a word. No 'Good morning.' No 'Sorry I ignored your text message.' Just silence as I made my cup of tea and let my heartbeat race out of control. He was ignoring me too if I really thought about it. He could have said something to me when I came in, but he didn't.

This was a two-way silent treatment.

The microwave's three slow beeps pierced the quiet, and I was grateful for their high-pitched interruption. I grabbed the handle of my mug and pulled it from the microwave, my ears picking up small 'clinks' against a ceramic surface coming from behind me. The trivial noises added to the tension mounting on top of me, each one like a tiny whack to my already painfully stiff spine.

All right, I'll grab a spoon, give him a polite smile and then go hide in my room for the rest of the day like the adult that I am.

I turned around in his direction with my cup of tea in hand, readying myself to grab a spoon and make my break for it, when I made one crucial mistake.

I looked at him for what was meant to be only a millisecond, but what turned into an uncountable length of time drawn between us. His eyes were waiting for mine and now, he had me.

From across the kitchen, Jordan was staring at me and in such a way that ripped the next breath straight from my lungs. He didn't even have to say anything because it was all written out plainly in his eyes. He wanted to talk and he wanted to talk now.

"Do you have a minute?"

"Uh—" I really didn't want to say yes, but I also didn't have a good lie ready. "Yeah, a short minute. I've just gotta head over to this dance studio soon."

Jordan nodded, not easing up on the intensity in his eyes one bit. "Did you get my text a couple days ago?" His right-to-the-point question felt like a kick to the gut, making my nerves cinch together and my next words stumble out ineloquently.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that." I offered a lame chuckle to him. "I'm such an awful texter. Like, truly a disgrace to my generation. I opened it and just totally forgot to respond."

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now