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Chapter 48: Endgame

I didn't  remember how I got to the hospital.

One moment I was on the phone with Mel in my apartment and the very next, the smell of bleach was burning my nose as lines of fluorescent lights hanging above gave the same treatment to my eyes.

I didn't even realize I was running down the rows of stark, white hallways until I almost toppled over a nurse turning the same corner I was. Her scolding blew away with the wind I created as I picked up my speed again, searching for the room number Mel told me over the phone.

That was pretty much all she'd told me over the phone.

After she dropped the bomb about Jordan being in an accident, I asked if he was okay and all she said was 'He will be. Just tell him to take me off of his fucking emergency contact when you see him'.

She rattled off his room number and hung up before I could ask anything more.

I had no idea if he was seriously injured or how it happened or why it happened.

I ran with what little information I had—literally—down the hospital halls until I found the number of the room Jordan was supposedly in. A doctor was exiting the room just as I was running up to it, closing the door behind her quietly.

"Excuse me!" The doctor's eyes jumped wide as I approached. "Hi. Is, um, Jordan Knight in there?"

She gave me a once over, a faint worry glossing her dainty features.

"He is. Are you a family member?"

"I'm his girlfriend." I breathed hard through the lie, ignoring the quickness at which the false label came out of my mouth.

The doctor bought it, nodding while looking down at her clipboard. "Well, your boyfriend's had a pretty rough night, but I'd say he's lucky all things considered."

"Can you tell me what happened? Please?"

"From what I understand, he hit a pole with his car while he was driving under the influence. He's got a broken arm, a couple bruised ribs, and a concussion."

Horror drained all warmth from my face.

"He was driving drunk?"

A tint of judgement covered her stare, but she blinked it away before it could be considered unprofessional.

"He was. He's lucky it wasn't worse and that he's got such a fantastic lawyer on his side. The woman who was here earlier must have pulled some pretty hefty strings to get him out of any criminal charges."


"He's resting if you want to go in and see him. I wouldn't recommend staying too long though. With his concussion, the pain medication we gave him, and still being mildly intoxicated, he's not making a lot of sense and needs his rest."

I nodded, digesting the information with a heavy sadness unfolding through me.

She walked away and left me with only the door in front of me and the drunken man behind it. I pushed the door open and peeked my head inside. The room was dimly lit by lamps on the bedside tables and monitor lights blinking in rhythmic beats. The room was divided in two by a flimsy curtain, and right next to that curtain was a bed.

Laying in that bed was the other half of my heart.

He was broken inside and out now. His arm was curled up in a sling that looked as uncomfortable as the bandages wrapped around his bare waist. Jordan's head was tilted to the side, his eyes closed as he slept peacefully.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now