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Chapter 31: You'd Rather I Love Her Than You

"I didn't need you to carry me all the way to my door."

Standing in front of my apartment, Jordan kept me tucked into his chest so tightly I could feel the deep vibrations from his voice through my side. "And you didn't need to get into a bar fight tonight either, but we all do things we don't need to do sometimes."

I held back on the desire to roll my eyes at him.

"It wasn't a bar fight. It was barely a fight at all."

"Yeah—" Jordan paused just long enough that I moved my eyes up to his out of curiosity. Waiting for me when I reached his stare was a comically arched dark eyebrow and a swoon-worthy, lopsided grin. "But you still won."

All right, he needs to go before he lets another one of those bad boys loose.

"Well, winning or not, I'm just happy to be home. Can you set me down so I can unlock the door?"

"I don't think so. Give me your keys."

"Jordan, I can unlock my own door."

"Or you could just let me do it."

"And how do you plan on unlocking the door while you're still holding me?" Cocking my head upwards, a triumphant perk cinched my eyebrows. "It's either me or the keys. Can't have it both ways."

Unanticipated amusement speckled his focused stare. "Is that a challenge?"

"Actually, it's a fact."

"Wanna make that a bet?"

The muscles in my neck loosened as I dropped my head back with a sigh.

"No, I just want inside my apartment."

In a voice low and charming, Jordan spoke,"As you wish."

A shriek jumped out of my mouth as the hallway around me flipped upside down—literally. My body propelled over Jordan's shoulder until the world was right-side down, blood filling my head up to my ears.

The only real visible sight in front of me was the perfect, jean clad ass of my soon-to-be-brother-in-law.

"Jordan!" I scolded, pushing my hands against his back, trying not to focus on the muscles layered beneath the fabric of his shirt.

Ignoring me, he stole the keys from my back pocket, the clicking sound of my front door unlocking filling my ears before a smug voice filled them next.

"You were saying?"

Annoyance boiling inside of me, I sank my teeth into my lips and refused to respond past an almost painful eye roll.

"I can practically hear you rolling your eyes, Slim."

Hanging upside down, my jaw dropped up—technically. How in the hell did he know?

Behind us, Jordan kicked my apartment door closed as he walked us through.

"Can you put me down now? I'm starting to get a head rush."

"All right, hold on."

Jordan walked me back through my own apartment, lowering me gently onto the semi-soft surface of one of my kitchen chairs. Coming upright, the pressure released from my head as slowly as Jordan released his grip from around my waist.

"How're you feeling now?"

Overwhelmed and agitated.

"I'm okay. The ankle thing isn't even bad. I'm just being overly cautious."

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now