Chapter 5: Bad Day. Bad luck. Bad idea.

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"Are you sure you've done this before?"

Patrick looked unconvinced as his eyes traveled down to the shards of shattered glass covering the bar floor. My second broken glass of the day.

"Yeah, it's just been a while is all." I tried to laugh off my inexperience, but Patrick grunted in response and turned his burly form away from me, going for the broom and dustpan yet again.

"Just make sure you wear something tight and short, and the customers shouldn't care if you serve them drinks with glass in 'em."

I huffed out a breath through my bangs, trying to hold back my eye-roll. Bartending may look easy in the movies, but that was all a facade that Hollywood had cooked up. In reality, making drinks was hard. Or I was just really, really awful at it.

I'd never really been bad at anything in my life before this, and I didn't like the feeling of not acing it on the first try. Grande Jete? Nailed it on the second day. Making a Long Island Ice Tea? Failed miserably and broke two shot glasses.

On the bar, my phone lit up and danced along the wood as it vibrated. Patrick dragged his tired stare up to me. "You can get it. I need to clean this all up anyways."

Guilt sunk my confidence to the pit of my stomach, and I thought for a moment to offer to clean my mess up myself, but chickened out at the last second. Patrick was an okayish guy, but he also sort of terrified me with his frozen grim expression that fell further and further into annoyance the more I failed this morning.

Snatching my phone, I walked towards the back of the empty bar before looking to see who was calling.

The second I saw his name, my mood plummeted alarmingly fast and already, I was bristling with anger. With bite set and ready in my tone, I answered.

"What do you want?"

Daniel's exasperated sigh was the first thing I heard on the other end of the phone. "Hi to you, too, Amber."

Rage burned a heated pathway across my chest at the condescension in his voice that seemed to always be present whenever we spoke since the break-up. "I'm at work. What do you want?"

"You got a job? Doing what?"

"It's none of your concern what I'm doing now."

"It was just a question, Amber. You don't have to jump all over me. I'm happy for you, though." My fingers tightened at the fraudulent compassion in his voice, creating a fist I wished I could punch Jonah right in the face with.

"Is there a reason you called me, Daniel, or are you just bored?"

A pause hung across the line, and my gut clenched in preparation for whatever was about to come.

"The deposit for the apartment," he finally said.

Uncertainty pinched the space between my eyebrows. "What about it?"

"You took the whole deposit and technically, half of it was mine."

Disbelief stole any next words from my mouth. I tried to work out what to say next in my brain, but the astonishment of what he'd actually had the balls to say to me snipped the line between my tongue and brain completely.

"Amber? Are you still there?"

"You're not serious, are you?" Daniel might be the world's biggest manipulative douchebag, but he wasn't stupid. Not this stupid at least.

"Yeah, I am. We split the $800 deposit when we moved in there, and I know you got the whole deposit back when you moved out."

"Yeah, because I cleaned the place for three days straight! By myself. I don't recall you ever knocking down my door with a mop and broom trying to help me." The fact that he was serious and not pulling my leg was enough to flicker my vision white with rage.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now