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Chapter 22: The Art of Forgetting

"So he's tried to kiss you twice now? In the span of a few days?"

"I don't know that he's actually trying to kiss me. It just feels a lot like he is." Changing my phone from one ear to the other, I continued. "He's never come right out and said he wanted to kiss me."

"He just said that he can't stop thinking about you and hates that you went out on a date with another man last night," Gabe shot back.

"This is why I called you!" I let a frustrated sigh out into the fresh morning air and ran my hand back over my ponytail. "None of it makes sense, and I need you to make sense of it all for me. Tell me what to do."

"You don't want me telling you what to do, babe."

"Why not?"

"Because if he looks anything like I remember him, I'd tell you to go for it at least once so you could tell me what it's like to fuck a God."


Even as I scolded him, a burning rushed across the back of my neck and up onto my cheeks. Hearing someone else voice the flustering thoughts I had secluded in my mind was bizarre and made me feel like hiding my face in the crook of my elbow and screaming. After last night though, I had to tell someone.

"Going for it isn't even an option. Jordan is as off limits as a person can be."

"Yeah, but what if he's not? What if they break up?"

"That's—" I sighed loudly, dropping my face into my hand. "That's not going to happen, and even if it did, he'd still be off-limits."

"What's the standard waiting period for dating a sibling's ex?"

Honestly, if I found out that Mel was dating Daniel even five, ten, twenty years after we'd broken up, I'd still feel weird about it. I wasn't sure there even was a proper length of time to wait in between dating ex's between sisters. The ick factor would always play a part, and I was sure it would drive a wedge between us that neither of us wanted. Mel and I were close, and losing her right now wasn't an option.

"I don't know, and it also doesn't matter. That's not what this is about."

"Then what is it about?"

"It's about..." My thoughts stumbled, falling over each other to quickly think of a reason that wasn't about wanting the go ahead with Jordan. That's not what I wanted. It really wasn't. Why bother wanting something that was in every way impossible?

"It's about you helping me figure out how to... how to deal with Jordan after last night. It's about you telling me if I should ignore him until he apologizes or confront him about what he said or pretend like last night never happened. Those are my three options. Help me pick one."

Gabe breathed out loudly on the other end of the phone, and I looked down to my running shoes.

"Before I give my answer, can we play a game?"


"Okay, so put yourself back where you were last night with him," Gabe began, and immediate regret pinched my stomach. I didn't like where this was going. "You're with him and he's leaning in to kiss you just like he was last night except this time, he doesn't stop. He straight up kisses you. What would you have done?"

Flashes of last night piled through my mind, thoughts of Jordan overwhelming me to the point of dizziness. He was everywhere inside my head, his eyes shining down at me, bright and blinding the line of right and wrong. His tempestuous words hit my brain like a hit from a drug—hard and muddling anything around them into a soft blur.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now