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Chapter 41: I Love You

Jordan's kisses were even hotter against my lips with the frosty night air on my back thanks to the open front door.

My body shivered against his, and I wasn't sure if it was the dropping temperature outside or how Jordan's tongue swept across my lips, parting them gently. Either way, the tremble in my body was snuffed out as soon as the heat of Jordan's determined hands moved from around my waist down to my naked thighs.

I hadn't thought to change as I was rushing out of my apartment earlier and was wearing my ballerina pink sleeping shorts. The shorts were completely inappropriate for the weather outside, and Jordan took advantage of the flimsy material, slipping both his hands right underneath.

Both of his hands squeezed underneath my shorts, and a moan caught in my throat as the sensation of his rough grip struck right between my legs.

I could taste his need for me on his tongue that stroked mine in such a way that, behind my closed eyelids, I saw the stars I instinctively knew came with every one of his kisses.

Between the stars, his lips, and his hands all wrecking my body at once in the best destructive decision I'd ever made, I was quickly losing myself to this man.

"Jordan," I cried against his lips, burying my fingers into his shoulders to try and drag him closer.

"I know." His rasped mumble against my mouth confirmed that he was feeling it too—the impossibility of our bodies' limits. If we could strip down our flesh and bones until we were nothing but souls intertwined, neither of us would hesitate.

That's what we were after all. Mirrored souls who found themselves on the wrong side of time.

"Is anyone here?"

Jordan shook his head. "It's just us for now."

Good. I didn't want to have to be quiet. I didn't want to have to be careful tonight.

What I wanted was one unapologetic night with Jordan to love him in every way I shouldn't. I had him all to myself for just one, selfish night. One night to live out a lifetime of love, a lifetime of kisses and sweet nothings whispered in intimacy before tomorrow came and it all turned to just a memory.

Jordan covered my mouth with his again, showing me what it felt like to be cherished, to be worshipped with an act as simple as a kiss. His tongue swept my swollen lips apart, and I sighed into his mouth as he kissed me deeply and consumed me entirely.

Suddenly, my feet were leaving the ground and my legs were locking around his waist while Jordan walked us backwards. The door closed with a thud as he pressed our weight against it, his stiff arousal pushing against the thin barrier of my shorts.

"I want you," I whimpered through jagged breathing.

A pained sort of noise got strangled in Jordan's throat.

"I need to go slow with you, Slim."

His calling of my nickname for the first time after uncovering its true meaning didn't help  Jordan's wishes. In fact, it only burned my desire for him deeper, stronger, hungrier.

"I need you now."

Against my forehead, Jordan shook his head and I got to watch the clear struggle on his handsome face as he fought between his primal desire and his need to drag this night out.

"I've imagined this moment between us for months and not once did it involve me taking you against a door."

"Jordan," I whined, unashamed at my lust.

Tempting /A Jordan Knight  fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now